mountain view high school parent portal

by Reta Robel 10 min read

Why choose Mountain View High School?

Mission: Mountain View High School engages students in a relevant and rigorous curriculum to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to achieve post-secondary success. The VISTA Academy is very proud to offer MVHS students, parents, alumni, and our community members LIVE access to Mountain View High School events.

What is access for all at Mountain View?

We are incredibly excited to expand our Access for All student learning initiative, which provides all Mountain View students with dedicated laptops, optional wireless internet Mifi hotspots, and headphones. Through this amazing program, every student is provided a laptop for school and take-home purposes.

How many spots are available for Mountain View students?

There are 10 spots for Mountain View students. Please stop by room D221 at lunch today to turn in your signed permission slip or to pick one up. Sources of Strength: Please join sources of strength as we distress over finals week.


What is the mission of Mountain View High School?

Mission: Mountain View High School engages students in a relevant and rigorous curriculum to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to achieve post-secondary success.

What is access for all students?

We are incredibly excited to expand our Access for All student learning initiative, which provides all Mountain View students with dedicated laptops, optional wireless internet Mifi hotspots, and headphones. Through this amazing program, every student is provided a laptop for school and take-home purposes. Students are expected to bring their laptop with them to school daily. Those students who do not have internet access at home will also have the opportunity to receive free wireless internet access as well, due to a generous grant from the Project 10 Million Program. New students are provided their devices during registration week or as they enroll throughout the school year, as long as the requirements have been met beforehand. We strongly encourage students to fill out the required online form and watch the orientation video as soon as possible in order to speed up the registration week process. For complete details about the program, requirements, and other related information, go to our Access for All dedicated website: which can be also found under the "Student" section of the website.

What is Arroyo High School's new math class?

Arroyo High School’s new math class – Mathematical Reasoning with Connections (MRWC) – provides students with a challenging, project-based and group-based approach to mathematics, all of which was presented to the Board of Trustees during an Oct. 20 meeting.
