mpms parent portal

by Prof. Omari McKenzie 9 min read

What is Montgomery County public schools parent portal?

Montgomery County Public Schools / Parents / Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance. If you do not have an account contact you child's school and ask for information on how to create an account. PowerSchool - Click Here to log in

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

Mobile Apps Staff Community Schools COVID Response 21-22 Last item for navigation Montgomery County Public Schools » Parents » Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance.

What is a Parent Portal account used for?

Parent portal accounts are used to: View your child's grades Re-enroll for the next school year Establishing your MyMPS account is easy! Please visit the school office to pick up your activation key. Then, follow the step-by-step instructions.

What can I do in the parent portal?

The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to: View your child’s grades, transcript and MCA results. See your child’s schedule. Monitor your child's attendance. Communicate with your child’s teachers. Stay current on homework, projects and deadlines.


CCS Drivers Education

The Save Promise Club leaves positive messages on the sidewalk for students to see when they enter the building in the morning.


Congratulations to Sharon Bass, Staff Member of the Month for February!

Web Filtering at Home

For instructions, click on the link above. A link to a step-by-step video is given also.

MPMS Principal's Message

We are well on the way with the third quarter of school. This is a great opportunity for students to develop new goals for the second semester and begin with a revived and active academic mindset.


Parent involvement is crucial to student academic success. The Parent Portal is a tool for you to stay informed and engaged in your child’s education. The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to:

Getting Started with the Parent Portal (Video)

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To open a new Parent Portal account

You will need an email account on record with your child's school. If you don't already have one, Gmail and Yahoo are some examples of free services.
