ms platte valley middle school parent portal

by Miss Nichole Muller PhD 8 min read

What is the parent portal (sisk12 Parent Portal)?

PCR-3's student and parent information system (SISK12 Parent Portal) allows parents access to class schedules, attendance, homework, grades, discipline, announcements, and calendar information. Click here for more information about Parent Portal or click here to log in.

How can the parent portal help drive student success?

With effective parent communication and involvement, we can help drive student success. Parent Portal allows parents access to class schedules, attendance, homework, grades, discipline, and lunch balances.

Why Platt MS&choice program?

Platt MS & CHOICE Program ... Exciting science experiments make learning fun. All students get to participate in many interscholastic and intramural sports throughout the year. Band, orchestra, and choir are an option for all students. Lion King Jr. Musical Production was a huge hit!


Winter Weather Information

Click here for information on school cancellations/modifications due to inclement weather, how the District will notify parents, as well as recess, Y Club information, and information on Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Days.

School Opening Plan 2021-22 (Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan)

As conditions around COVID-19 continue to fluctuate, Platte County School District (PCR-3) is evaluating mitigating measures that can best support a return to more normal operations. Students benefit from in-person learning, and safely continuing in-person instruction for the 2021-22 school year is a priority.

Parent Portal

PCR-3's student and parent information system (SISK12 Parent Portal) allows parents access to class schedules, attendance, homework, grades, discipline, announcements, and calendar information. Click here for more information about Parent Portal or click here to log in.

Parent IgNIGHT Information Sessions

Research shows that students do better when parents and the community are involved - test scores rise, remediation rates drop, graduation rates improve, and everyone understands and values their roles in the success of our students.


Click here to view the enrollment process and required paperwork for attending Platte County R-3 School District.

Y Club Before and After School Care Program

Click here to learn about the before and after school program available to families in the Platte County R-3 School District.


At this time, the ability to view a current grade 5 - 11 student's 2022-2023 course requests via the "Class Registration" icon in the navigation menu has been enabled. All courses to complete a student's school day will be listed.


This web-based, home-to-school communication tool gives parents of students in grades K-12 and students in grades 6-12 real-time access to student schedules, attendance, academic class grades, assessment information, teacher comments, Honor Roll achievements and school bulletins.

Creating a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account

Prior to creating an account, you must have the Access ID and Access Password for your child (ren). If you have more than one child you will need to obtain the Access ID and Access Password for each of them. Please contact your child's/children's school if you need assistance in obtaining the information.
