mtps genesis parent portal

by Douglas Mosciski 9 min read

Why choose login Middletown Township public school district?

Login Middletown Township Public School District will work as a united community to empower each student by providing an engaging, inclusive, and safe educational environment. The District will utilize available resources, responsibly and effectively, to enable students to reach their full potential as life-long learners and responsible citizens.

What is the Moorestown Township integrated pre-school program?

The Moorestown Township Public School District Integrated Pre-School is a tuition-based, half-day program. Kindergarten Registration for 2022-23 is Open. Kindergarten Registration for 2022-2023 is open. Please see our School Registration page under Quick Links for instructions on how to register your child.

Is the 2022-23 integrated pre-school registration open?

The 2022-23 Integrated Pre-School Registration is now open. The Moorestown Township Public School District Integrated Pre-School is a tuition-based, half-day program.

What is MTPS doing about mental health?

The Superintendent conducted a "Town Hall" style meeting on April 12th. MTPS has partnered with Care Solace which is a service that helps individuals find mental health care providers and substance use treatment centers at no cost to you. Enrichment courses will be offered to students of Moorestown, as well as, non-resident students


Important Messages -

The Board of Education revised the 2021-2022 School Calendar at their meeting on 1.26.22.

NJGPA Information for Grade 11 Students

The New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA) will be administered to all students in grade 11 across New Jersey as a new graduation-required assessment during the week of March 14.

MTPS 2022 Graduation and Promotion Ceremony Details

Please find the date and times for the 2022 Middletown Township Public Schools graduation and promotion ceremonies inside.

MTPS Kindergarten Registration for 2022-23

MTPS Kindergarten registration for 2022-23 academic year begins Jan. 18, 2022. Head inside for an invitation to our virtual Kindergarten Orientation on Jan. 12 at 7 p.m.

Affordable Internet Options for MTPS Students

There are a number of affordable internet access options available to MTPS students in or around Middletown Township. Determining your student's eligibility can be achieved by completing a brief application.

Our Mission

Middletown Township Public School District will work as a united community to empower each student by providing an engaging, inclusive, and safe educational environment. The District will utilize available resources, responsibly and effectively, to enable students to reach their full potential as life-long learners and responsible citizens.

Our Beliefs

Foster partnerships with the greater Middletown community as well as strong parent-student-educator relationships.

Welcome to South Valley!

The goal of our Elementary Schools is to foster a caring learning community, which promotes a love of learning by focusing on the emotional, moral, social, physical and intellectual growth of each student.

What's New - District

BOE is accepting recommendations to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education. Resume and letter of interest must be received by 4:00 pm on March 11, 2022.
