muncy parent portal

by Dewayne Weimann 8 min read

How do I access the Muncy teacher directory?

To access the Muncy Jr./Sr. High School Teacher Directory click here. You're online. We're online. Let's connect.

Where is Muncy School District in Pennsylvania?

Muncy School District serves students living in Muncy Borough, Muncy Township and Muncy Creek Township, all located in Lycoming County. The district is approximately thirty-six square miles with a student population of more than 1000 students in grades kindergarten through twelve.

What is a Parent Portal account?

Students are able to establish Parent Portal accounts for individuals and grant access to the students financial account, financial aid award and/or final grades. Access is authorized by the student for each portal account holder.

How do parents login to the parent portal in Webcat?

Students begin the process by choosing Add/Manage Users under the Parent Portal option in Webcat. Parents will receive email with temporary password and activation instructions. Once activated, parents can log in to the Parent Portal through the button below.


What information is provided in the Muncy Family Database?

Information provided for that record includes personal information, media, notes, sources, and a event map.

Where did the Muncy family originate?

For many years Muncy genealogies have stated that the Muncy line originated in Normandy. It was assumed that one or more Muncy ancestors came to England with William the Conqueror, and that the Muncy name (and similar spellings) were a corruption of De Monceaux. An eminent authority “Dr. Whitaker” contends that the line originated from Roman families who possibly settled in Gaul and then came to England with William the Conqueror. All these assumptions are based on the “Munsey-Hopkins Genealogy” by D.O.S. Lowell in 1920. As far as I know, this century-old theory has never been fully investigated or authenticated.

Who are the descendants of James Muncy?

However, a review of William Muncy’s descendants shows that William’s gg grandson, David Munsey, had at least five sons who were raised in Stafford County, New Hampshire. All of these sons — except Daniel — remained in New Hampshire and raised their families. However, Daniel moved into New York (Columbia County and later Oneida County). It is believed that James was born about 1793 in New York, possibly Columbia County where his brother was born in 1791. This birth date coincides closely with the birthdates of sister Deborah (b. 1783 in Oneida County) and John (b. 1791 in Columbia County). There may well have been other children.

Why did Samuel Muncy go to jail?

It is likely that the dispute that landed Samuel Muncy in jail was for failure to pay taxes to Maryland on contested lands or possibly a case of mistaken identity. We now know that the name of Samuel Muncy’s wife was Mary Daugherty, not Mary Skidmore.
