mvla sis parent portal

by Brad Bergnaum 6 min read

How do I register as a new student at MVLA?

If you are new to MVLA, please visit our New Student Registration page to find out more information on how to get started. The Student Information System is your primary resource for information regarding a student's time at MVLA. Parents and students can access grades, class assignments, absences, schedules, and more.

Where can I find information about Title IX in MVLA?

Information about Title IX, students’ rights, how to file a complaint and links to more resources are on our Education Services page under Policies and Procedures. MVLA's Title IX Coordinator, Leyla Benson, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, can be reached (925) 788-3038 | .

What does MVLA do for students?

Each person associated with MVLA plays a role in student wellness and makes a difference in each other’s emotional safety and wellbeing. Mental health promotion, school infrastructure, and mental health intervention services support the mental, behavioral, and social-emotional health of students and further students academic achievement.

Why choose MVHS?

We at MVHS value an equitable and collaborative learning environment in which students and staff respect the diversity of our society. We value the intellectual, emotional, and physical well-being of our community.


MVLA Mission

We are committed to creating a community of learners with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to combine personal success with meaningful contributions to our multicultural and global society.


If you are in immediate danger of hurting yourself, CALL 911 OR GO TO THE NEAREST EMERGENCY ROOM.


Emotional wellness helps determine our capacity to handle stress, relate to others and make good choices. At MVLA, wellness is a way of seeing and making decisions that connect physical health, mental health, and learning. Wellness works best in a culture of kindness and respect in which we watch out for each other.


Student, staff and campus safety is our top priority so MVLA schools hold emergency preparation drills each school year. Teachers, administrators and other staff are trained in emergency response protocols.

What is Title IX?

(a), provides that no person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity operated by a recipient which receives federal financial assistance. Relevant here, Title IX requires school districts to take immediate and appropriate action to investigate when it knows or reasonably should know of a possible Title IX violation.

What is school based mental health?

School-based Mental Health and Wellness. Emotional wellness helps determine our capacity to handle stress, relate to others and make good choices. At MVLA, wellness is a way of seeing and making decisions that connect physical health, mental health, and learning.

What is the number to call for a child in crisis?

24-hour crisis line: 408-379-9085 or 877-412-7474.

Back-to-School Prep

Back-to-School Preparation is a 2-step process which takes action from parents/guardians and students. STEP 1: Parents update their student’s information using the SIS Parent Portal.

STEP 1: Annual Data Confirmation

Los Altos High School and Mountain View Los Altos High School District (MVLA) require that parents/guardians update student information each year via our Annual Data Confirmation. Using the SIS Parent Portal system, parents can update their family data as well as read and sign off on all of the required annual notices.

Preparación de Regreso a la Escuela

PASO 1: Padres actualice la información de sus estudiantes por medio del SIS Parent Portal.


La Escuela Preparatoria Los Altos requiere que los padres/tutores verifiquen la información de sus estudiantes cada año a través de nuestra Confirmación Anual de Datos. Los padres pueden actualizar su información familiar, leer y firmar todas las convocatorias anuales requeridas por medio del Portal de Padres SIS .
