my curry parent portal

by Dr. Stewart Reynolds V 3 min read

What is mycurry's new MyFamily feature?

Now, students are able to authorize designated parent (s) and/or family members to view their grades, academic schedule and/or student financial information directly within myCurry. If your student needs assistance setting up myFamily access, please call (617) 333-2911.

What are the expectations of a curry portal user?

All Curry Portal users, including students, are expected to act with integrity, demonstrate responsible personal behavior, and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times. This expectation also applies to engagement in online communities included within the Curry College Portal.

Why choose Curry College for your student?

At Curry College, we are committed to providing you with appropriate information and support to help you help your student develop independence, knowledge and communication skills, responsibility, leadership, and life-long success.

What is mycurry and how does it work?

myCurry is your link to what's happening, your source for college news and announcements, and your starting point for access to on-line tools such as E-Mail, Blackboard and the CWIS (Curry Web Information System) resources. myCurry connects you to information you need to stay current with Curry.

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Prospective Parents

Whether your student is a prospective student considering application to Curry College, an accepted student considering his enrollment decision, or a deposited student preparing for her enrollment, we can help you stay connected with Curry throughout the admission process.

First-Year Parents

We realize that the first year is one of great transition, not only for your student, but for you as a family member as well. It's only natural for you to worry about your student's adjustment to college life.

Your Role as a Parent

As parents and family members, you play an important role as partners in your student's college success. We are aware of the tremendous role that you have played in your student's education throughout the years. We believe you can continue to play a valuable role in your student's college experience.

Digital Access to Curry

Students are able to authorize designated parent (s) and/or family members to view their grades, academic schedule and/or student financial information directly within myCurry. And On Campus, the informational newsletter of the the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations is your source for campus news, event information, and much more!

Stay Engaged

Ask us a question. Stay in the loop. Be a part of your student's higher education adventure through graduation and beyond.
