my state parent portal mississippi

by Madeline Howell 4 min read

How do parents get access to the parent portal?

Once a login is established, parents will have access through the Parent Portal Login. *If a parent already has a FERPA waiver on file, the student will follow these same steps, but click Update on the existing parent under Actions and add an email address for the parent.

How do I Change my Password in the parent portal?

Enter your Parent Portal User ID (email address) and the password that you previously created. The password should never be shared. All pages are personal and confidential. If you suspect that someone else may know your password, use the Change Password option to change your password after logging in. Having trouble logging in?

How do I grant access to my parent/guardian's education records?

By the student providing an email address of the parent/guardian, the student is authorizing Mississippi State University to grant access to education records to the parent/guardian through the University's Parent Portal online system.

What is the MyState mobile app?

Mississippi State University’s app, myState Mobile, keeps you connected to the Bulldog family wherever you are. Learn about upcoming events, find your way around campus, and keep up with the latest in news and sports.


What is Snap Mississippi?

Snap is a federal program administered on the local level of the Mississippi Department of Human Services. Nationally, SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net. SNAP is meant to be a supplement to one's income to help ensure nutritional need are met.

When did Mississippi start TANF?

Mississippi implemented its TANF program October 1, 1996. In order to adults to receive TANF, they must participate in a work program.

Can I create a myMDHS account?

It's easy to create a myMDHS account and apply for benefits. With a myMDHS Account, you can apply and renew benefits, check your benefit's status, and report household changes.
