my student progress parent portal

by Charlie Bode 9 min read

What is the NYC schools account portal (NYCSA)?

There is a new way for you to stay connected to your student’s education and more in the new NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal. One sign-in will allow you to: See your students grades, test scores and more in My Student

Should parents and students have to login to different systems?

As our market evolves, parents and students shouldn’t have to login into different systems to make a payment. Nor should you have to track tuition payments with one system, use another for school lunches, and another to accept cash at the front desk (through a something like a square device).

How do I track my Student’s progress?

In MyStudent, you can track your student’s academic progress. View their grades, schedule, test scores, transportation, attendance, and more! If your student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), you can view their student’s recommended services. You must be linked to a student in order to view this information.

How do I Register my child for school?

To register at school, bring a valid photo ID (like your passport, driver’s license, or IDNYC) and your child’s nine-digit student ID number, which can be found on your child’s report card. To register over teleconference, your child's school will verify you or your child's identity by voice or sight.


Track Student Progress

Track your student's grades, test, scores, progress towards graduation and more.

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