my ycp parent portal

by Ms. Willow Oberbrunner DDS 7 min read

How do I create a ycpweb account for a parent?

YCPWeb For Parents 1 The student must create an account by entering the parent's email address. The student then authorizes the page that a... 2 The parent, after receiving the email, will use the Initial Login URL and the one-time Action Password provided to... 3 Please visit Overview of Parent Proxy for complete instructions. More ...

How do I sign into myycp?

MyYCP is the portal to your campus applications and announcements. Sign into with your YCP username and password. Please uninstall Survey Junkie if it causes issues signing into When you visit, these are the applications you may see, depending on your roll.

How does the parent proxy account work for students?

Through the parent proxy account, parents can access information including warning grades, final grades, pay deposits, and view/pay eBills. Students set up the account using the parent email address and a PIN. The student determines and authorizes what information is available to view by the parent.

How does York College work with parents and families?

So that we can be effective partners in guiding the student’s academic journey, York College encourages students to openly and candidly discuss their educational experiences with parents and families. Only with such open, honest dialog can parents and families fully support their student and help guide them to appropriate resources.


What happens if you select tab with student name?

If you select the tab with your student's name, but the item you want to access is not listed, then it is up to your student to authorize your access to any such items.

How to limit proxy access?

Start Date and Stop Date allow you to limit when your proxy has access. Select the Authorization tab. Select the boxes beside the items that you want your proxy to access. Your proxy will receive an email with further instructions . Select the Communication tab to see the proxy status.
