If you have never logged into Parent Portal, you must create your parent portal account first. Please include your student's name, ID number and campus. Business hours are: Monday-Friday 7:00 AM–5:00 PM.
For grades, click the "Login to Gradebook" button on the portal dashboard. If you have never logged into Parent Portal, you must create your parent portal account first. Please include your student's name, ID number and campus. Business hours are: Monday-Friday 7:00 AM–5:00 PM.
Some campuses allow you to pay for fees and activities through Parent Portal. Examples include football tickets, prom, homecoming, parking, etc. Scroll down to Student Registration Forms. Click the button with your student's name. Click the Pay Now button. 5. I'm not receiving email or Phone Calls from the Plano ISD
ASCENDER ParentPortal - login to view your students' grades, attendance, etc. ASCENDER StudentPortal - login to view your grades, attendance, etc. COVID-19 PARENT NOTIFICATION LETTERS 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR (Scroll to bottom of this page)
Please refer any problems or suggestions for the Paris ISD website to district webmaster.
The mission of the Paris ISD is to provide a quality education to a diverse student population, enabling each to achieve full potential and become a productive, responsible citizen.
Quick Tip is a support system that allows students to communicate with school administrators.
Step 1: Your cell phone number must be on file at your child’s school.