Home Base is a statewide student information system that replaced NCWISE in the 2013-2014 school year. Home Base gives parents and students access to real-time information including attendance, grades and assignments.
Step 1. Pick up your access letter from your child’s school. Hand deliver the completed access request form to the school. Notarized forms can be mailed to your child’s school.
Your school will provide class schedules and other details related to the opening of school.
SPAN was linked to our old student information system (NCWISE). In July 2013, the state of North Carolina moved to a new student information system called PowerSchool. The Parent Portal for PowerSchool will be delivered through Home Base. Access codes will be provided to you by the school.
No. Parent Portal gradebook does not match the grading procedures for K-2.
Students will be provided information to access their data even if parents do not request access.
Students and parents use the same web site to sign in: https://wcs.powerschool.com/public/