nabnasset school parent portal

by Magdalen Rosenbaum 10 min read

Why choose Nabnasset school?

Nabnasset School is one of three K-2 schools located in Westford. The Abbot School (3-5) is our sister school. Our staff members are dedicated to your children. They place a high priority on empowering all children to become active, engaged students who enjoy learning.

What is the Manhasset Parent Portal?

The Manhasset Parent Portal (MPP) is a password protected gateway through which parents/guardians are able to view the following student data based upon student grade level. Parents/guardians of students in all gade levels have access to both parent demographics (salutation, name, telephone # and email address) and student report cards.

Where can parents find all their needed links for online payments?

From enrollment and Parent Portal access to student assessments and online payments, parents can find all their needed links here.


How to register a child at school?

You must have your child's student ID in order to register. The student ID can be found on the report card, the schedule, or by calling the school office. Parents/guardians - fill out the entire registration form. Include your correct email address. All fields marked with an asterick (*) are required. In addition to the student ID, you will need to enter your child's First and Last Name, Date of Birth and City of Birth. You should register all your children at the same time.

How to register more than one child?

If you have more than one child to register, enter their information and then click Submit. There are several Submit buttons on the screen - hit any one of them AFTER all students are registered. Parents/guardians create their own username and password at the time of registration.

How many times a year does IPARENT have access to grades?

IPARENT will allow parents real-time access to student attendance, schedules, biographical information. Access to grades will be available 8 times per year at Westford Academy.
