nau parent portal

by Miss Celine Nitzsche PhD 7 min read

What if I am a parent of a Northern Arizona University student?

If you are a parent or family member of a Northern Arizona University student, we would like to welcome you to the university community. We are proud to partner with you to ensure your student’s success.

How do I sign in to the NAU parental tax access service?

By using the NAU Parental Tax Access service you agree to adhere to the NAU computing policies and guidelines. Please type your Parental Tax Access UserID and password and click the "Sign In" button to continue. Parental Tax Access accounts only allow parents/guardians access to 1098T tax information.

What is Northern Arizona University’s e-billing system?

Northern Arizona University utilizes an e-billing system, in which monthly billing statements are posted to the student’s LOUIE account around the fifteenth of the month. Student’s are sent an email notification when their statement is ready to view using their LOUIE account.

What is a nau Louie account?

A LOUIE account on an NAU computer system is a privilege available to qualified students. Usage of this system is monitored and you must understand and agree to the following to use this account: I agree that I am responsible for the use of my LOUIE account.


Engaging parents, family members, and students in university life

If you are a parent or family member of a Northern Arizona University student, we would like to welcome you to the university community. We are proud to partner with you to ensure your student’s success.

Parent handbook

Download our 2019-20 Parent Handbook and prepare your student for a world of learning. (2 MB PDF)

Recipes from Home

We are excited to share our 2020 “ Recipes from Home 2020 ” Family Weekend Cookbook. Thank you to all of the Lumberjack Families that participated in Virtual Family Weekend!

What is

The portal has been an essential tool for students, faculty, and staff, providing access to a variety of IT applications and services from one location. As the technology needs of the NAU community grows and shifts, the overall function of the NAU portal must adapt.

When will be fully converted?

On May 22, will be fully converted to what has until now been known as the NAU Community. At that time, anyone who goes to will be redirected to the new portal.

Is MyNAU portal running in tandem?

The new portal and the legacy “myNAU” portal have been running in tandem for over a year, which meant anyone could explore the new features or continue using the old portal . This parallel setup also meant that ITS could continue to improve the new portal and work to integrate the remaining functions without disrupting the current user experience.

What is an authorized user on a student account?

As an Authorized User, you are able to view and pay charges on the student account.

What do you get when you grant access to a student account?

Once the student grants you access, you will receive your user ID and password, and you’re ready to log in to the payment system.

What is the NAU office?

The NAU Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid is here to partner with you to see your student’s dreams come true at Northern Arizona University .

How to contact Financial Aid at NAU?

Feel free to contact our office at or 928-523-4951 with any questions.

What is a PLUS loan?

After reviewing the award letter with your student you may notice an offer for a PLUS Loan. This is a loan that a parent may apply for to help pay students’ charges. There are additional steps that need to be taken in order to secure the loan. How to apply for a Parent PLUS Loan.

When will freshmen receive financial aid?

Incoming freshmen will be awarded financial aid in December and award letters will be mailed out. An award letter outlines what your student has been offered in financial assistance to help pay for their college expenses. Understanding the award letter.

LOUIE Upgrade

Attention! LOUIE’s getting a new look on November 21st! For information about what’s changing, please visit our website.

Additional Student Resources

The LOUIE system is generally available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, with the exception of Sunday mornings from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m.
