nau parent student portal

by Miss Leanna Gorczany II 3 min read

How do I sign in to the NAU parental tax access service?

By using the NAU Parental Tax Access service you agree to adhere to the NAU computing policies and guidelines. Please type your Parental Tax Access UserID and password and click the "Sign In" button to continue. Parental Tax Access accounts only allow parents/guardians access to 1098T tax information.

What's new in the NAU community?

The new platform is built on a more flexible and modern technology, which means new features can be added over time. On May 22, will be fully converted to what has until now been known as the NAU Community. At that time, anyone who goes to will be redirected to the new portal.

What does the NAU Police Department do?

The NAU Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency staffed by sworn police officers who are certified by the state of Arizona and accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. Officers patrol campus 24 hours daily.

How do I grant an authorized user access to a student?

The student will need to grant authorized user access, which is done through the online payment system via LOUIE, and is explained in our Add an Authorized User video tutorial.


Engaging parents, family members, and students in university life

If you are a parent or family member of a Northern Arizona University student, we would like to welcome you to the university community. We are proud to partner with you to ensure your student’s success.

Parent handbook

Download our 2019-20 Parent Handbook and prepare your student for a world of learning. (2 MB PDF)

Recipes from Home

We are excited to share our 2020 “ Recipes from Home 2020 ” Family Weekend Cookbook. Thank you to all of the Lumberjack Families that participated in Virtual Family Weekend!

For students

As a student, you may pay through LOUIE either by credit card or electronic check (eCheck) by logging on to LOUIE and navigating to the Make a Payment page.

For Authorized Users

As an Authorized User, you are able to view and pay charges on the student account.

Tips to remember

The university accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, JCB and American Express credit cards.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

The first steps are requesting an FSA ID and completing the FAFSA. See the Complete FAFSA early section of the Incoming Freshman page for more details.

Award letter

Incoming freshmen will be awarded financial aid in December and award letters will be mailed out. An award letter outlines what your student has been offered in financial assistance to help pay for their college expenses. Understanding the award letter.

Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

After reviewing the award letter with your student you may notice an offer for a PLUS Loan. This is a loan that a parent may apply for to help pay students’ charges. There are additional steps that need to be taken in order to secure the loan. How to apply for a Parent PLUS Loan.


Feel free to contact our office at or 928-523-4951 with any questions.

LOUIE Upgrade

Attention! LOUIE’s getting a new look on November 21st! For information about what’s changing, please visit our website.

Additional Student Resources

The LOUIE system is generally available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, with the exception of Sunday mornings from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m.
