nazareth academy grade school parent portal

by Andreane Hackett II 8 min read

What is the Nazareth Academy Grade School Parent Association?

The Nazareth Academy Grade School Parent Association (NAGSPA) Nazareth Academy Grade School Parent Association (NAGSPA) strives to support and advocate for our children by partnering with administration, staff and families to create a safe learning environment. The Parent Association exists to advance the mission of Jesus in the tradition ...

What is the parent association?

The Parent Association exists to advance the mission of Jesus in the tradition of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. The vision is a vibrant network of people united in heeding the call to educate young minds. This is done through our Core Values of faithful listening, loving relationships and recognizing God in the everyday.

What is Nazareth Academy?

Nazareth Academy utilizes an electronic Cafeteria Data Management System (Point of Service System) to accurately record point of service and inventory.

What is the Nazareth Academy lunch program?

Nazareth Academy Grade School's Lunch Program is sponsored by Nutritional Development Services (NDS) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, All school meals are served under the National School Lunch Program and are governed by the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act" of 2010. NDS makes every effort to use locally-sourced fresh fruits and vegetables.

What grade is Nazareth Academy?

Nazareth Academy Grade School implements the Common Core State Standards for Reading and Writing adopted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for grades one through eight.

What grades are assessed in the Trimester?

Trimester examinations are administered in grades seven and eight.

What grades do you participate in the Reading Olympics?

Annual participation in Reading Olympics (grades five – eight), Reading Olympics for lower grades, and required involvement in classroom Literature Circles boost self- esteem, self-understanding through the written word, and enjoyment of all genres of literature.

What is the value of learning Latin?

The study of Latin is implemented in the ELA program for students in grades seven through eight. Learning Latin strengthens basic English skills in vocabulary and reading comprehension. It focuses on grammar which leads to improved English writing and communication. The value of learning Latin is immediate. It is documented that students who are taught Latin for one year score one full year higher on Terra Nova vocabulary subtests (Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 2013).
