nazareth high school parent portal

by Rosanna Maggio DVM 7 min read

How do I contact Nazareth RHS?

Call Ms. Michel at 718-763-1100 ext. 227 or email with any questions. What ideas would you like to share with the PTO? * This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

What is the dress code at Nazareth High School?

No plain white shirts can be worn. Boys must wear tasteful ties and ties are optional for girls. Nazareth polo shirts can ONLY be worn on Fridays or at the discretion of Administration. The polo shirts are maroon, pink, or gray (long or short sleeve with the NRHS logo).

How do I contact the Nazareth PTO?

Call Ms. Michel at 718-763-1100 ext. 227 or email with any questions. What ideas would you like to share with the PTO?

Why choose learn more spiritually ready Nazareth?

Learn More Spiritually Ready Nazareth has a strong commitment to faith and service. Learn More Socially Ready We believe a well-rounded education continues outside the classroom and better prepares our students to be college bound and ready.


Why is fundraising important at Nazareth?

Fundraising is an essential element to the success of our Nazareth School. To help facilitate exciting programs and additional technology, we ask our parents to take an active role in the preparation and execution of our fundraising activities.

What is the purpose of a parent teacher group?

The purpose of the parent teacher group (PTG) is to bring about a closer relationship between the school, the home, and the parish. We consider all parents and members of Nazareth School staff as part of the PTG.
