nb 27 parent portal

by Trent Johns 9 min read

What happens if a student does not participate in P.E.?

If a student does not participate during P.E. due to a medical reason, the student cannot participate in athletic practices or games on that day. Parents should write a note requesting an early dismissal for a student who needs to leave school during the day. The note should indicate who will be picking the child up.

What happens if a student leaves school before 9:30?

or leaves before the end of the school day, he/she will not be permitted to participate in any extracurriculars activities unless special arrangements have been approved by the administration.

Who enforces school attendance?

The Board of Education directs the school administration and staff to enforce, on a consistent basis, all school regulations relative to school attendance. These regulations shall require that all absences be verified by phone by the student's parents or legal guardian.

Who must sign out of school?

Every student must be signed out in the office by a parent, guardian, or person who has been authorized by the parent before leaving the building with that person.

Can a parent pick up a child from school?

The person who is to pick up the child must report to the school office and sign the child out of school. Parents cannot go to a classroom to pick up a student. No teacher may dismiss a child from class without first receiving an appropriate notice. Students will not be called out of class until the parent is in the building.

What is the phone number for the Parent Portal?

If you have any questions regarding the Parent Portal please call Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or email us: Early Childhood Development: 1‑888‑762‑8600 or EECDPortal-PortailEDPE@gnb.ca. Kindergarten to Grade 12: 1‑833‑901‑1963 or EECDRTS-EDPERAE@gnb.ca.

What is a parent portal?

The Parent Portal is a secure tool that gives parents access to online services and information about education and early childhood services.

What happens if a student does not participate in P.E.?

If a student does not participate during P.E. due to a medical reason, the student cannot participate in athletic practices or games on that day. Parents should write a note requesting an early dismissal for a student who needs to leave school during the day. The note should indicate who will be picking the child up.

What happens if a student leaves school before 9:30?

or leaves before the end of the school day, he/she will not be permitted to participate in any extracurriculars activities unless special arrangements have been approved by the administration.

Who must sign out of school?

Every student must be signed out in the office by a parent, guardian, or person who has been authorized by the parent before leaving the building with that person.

Can a parent pick up a child from school?

The person who is to pick up the child must report to the school office and sign the child out of school. Parents cannot go to a classroom to pick up a student. No teacher may dismiss a child from class without first receiving an appropriate notice. Students will not be called out of class until the parent is in the building.

What happens if a student does not participate in P.E.?

If a student does not participate during P.E. due to a medical reason, the student cannot participate in athletic practices or games on that day. Parents should write a note requesting an early dismissal for a student who needs to leave school during the day. The note should indicate who will be picking the child up.

What happens if a student leaves school before 9:30?

or leaves before the end of the school day, he/she will not be permitted to participate in any extracurriculars activities unless special arrangements have been approved by the administration.

Who must sign out of school?

Every student must be signed out in the office by a parent, guardian, or person who has been authorized by the parent before leaving the building with that person.

Can a parent pick up a child from school?

The person who is to pick up the child must report to the school office and sign the child out of school. Parents cannot go to a classroom to pick up a student. No teacher may dismiss a child from class without first receiving an appropriate notice. Students will not be called out of class until the parent is in the building.
