near north schools parent portal

by Adaline Armstrong 8 min read

What is near North District School Board doing to support families?

Tips, resources, and community supports for students and families. Near North District School Board and its 34 schools use several methods to communicate with families. Several schools at Near North District School Board have childcare and family support services available. Check out what services are offered and their providers.

Where can parents find information about their student?

Welcome to the Parent Center. This section is a dedicated hub, offering a single location for parents to find the most pertinent information regarding their student. From enrollment and Parent Portal access to student assessments and online payments, parents can find all their needed links here.

Where can parents find all their needed links for online payments?

From enrollment and Parent Portal access to student assessments and online payments, parents can find all their needed links here.


Passport to Learning

Visit the Near North Passport to Learning webpage to access a variety of resources and helpful links to support remote learning including technical support, information about virtual learning platforms, and instructional resources.

Audit Committee Recruitment

Near North District School Board is seeking one volunteer community member with financial expertise and business knowledge to serve on its Audit Committee for a three-year term.

Secondary School Virtual Open Houses

To help families make an informed decision when choosing what secondary school to attend, NNDSB schools will host virtual open houses and information sessions for parents/guardians and students at its six secondary schools. Learn about programs, meet staff, ask questions, and virtually tour the school.

New Personal Support Worker Program at NNDSB

Near North District School Board is excited to announce Personal Support Worker (PSW) training in a living classroom. Participants will do their theoretical learning in a classroom then apply those skills on the floor of the long-term care home.

Protocols for inclement weather days

As the winter season approaches, please review Near North District School Board's protocols for inclement weather days.

NNDSB launches Student Voice initiative

NNDSB is pleased to announce the launch of Student Voice, a section on the board's website that gives space to the students in our board to share their thoughts, concerns and work. In the process of providing news and information about the board, we want to ensure students have a place to share what matters to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the 2021-2022 school year? Check out our frequently asked questions section.

We Are Game Changers

Near North's students pride themselves on their independence. They learn to think for themselves, question everything, and bravely explore first-hand.

The Montessorian Online

The classrooms and learning spaces at NNM are created and maintained for the children; we know and feel that any time we enter one of these spaces — as a parent, I feel that, and as a staff member, I am fortunate to see it every day. They are beautiful learning environments with every corner considered and ready for exploration and discovery.
