new canaan public schools parent portal

by Krista O'Kon MD 9 min read

What does the New Canaan Board of Education do?

The New Canaan Board of Education is pleased to be the bridge between our community and our school system. Pursuant to Connecticut state law and our By-Laws, we are the municipal body within New Canaan which governs public education in our Town.

Who is the new special education administrator at New Canaan High School?

New Canaan Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bryan Luizzi is excited to announce the appointment of Kevin Ryan as the new Special Education Administrator at New Canaan High School. The award recognizes a student’s proficiency in English and one or more other language.

How do I sign up for PowerSchool Parent Portal?

Before you can sign into PowerSchool Parent Portal, you will need an access code and password from your school. (This will be sent home) If you do not have this information or have questions, please contact your school. Click Here to review account creation and login Instructions.

What is NCHS Arts Week in New Canaan?

New Canaan Public Schools needs your help! The NCHS Visual and Performing Arts students are preparing for their NCHS Arts Week which will begin on Monday, May 10th.


NCHS Arts Week

The NCHS Visual and Performing Arts students are preparing for their NCHS Arts Week which will begin on Monday, May 10th. All events are virtual this year and include our Senior Art Show/Senior Film Reel, Senior Music Showcase, end of the year concerts and a composition sharing from our NCHS Music Technology students!

NCHS Theater Department

The First Annual Alumni Fundraising Gala will be on Saturday, February 27th at 7 PM and will feature a talent-packed cast. Broadway veteran and Hello Girls! Director Judy McLane and talented NCHS Theatre alumni who have performed across the United States and on Broadway will be returning to the New Canaan Stage to raise funds for the program.

2021 Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards

We are proud to announce that 8 students from New Canaan High School and Saxe Middle School were recognized in the 31st Annual Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards. They are: Sophie Austin, Ankita Kuttichirayil, Marina Mallozzi, Avery Morawa, Gianfranco Pozzolini, Kaitlyn Sill, Amy Meng and Larson Riccoboni.

Ms. Zoe Robinson Appointed Assistant Principal at South Elementary School

The New Canaan Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bryan Luizzi is pleased to announce that Ms. Zoe Robinson has been promoted to the position of Assistant Principal at South Elementary School.

Welcome Kevin M. Ryan, MEd, CAS

New Canaan Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bryan Luizzi is excited to announce the appointment of Kevin Ryan as the new Special Education Administrator at New Canaan High School.

Over 50 percent of NCHS Class of 2020 Honored with Seal of Biliteracy

The award recognizes a student’s proficiency in English and one or more other language.

About the Board of Education

The New Canaan Board of Education is pleased to be the bridge between our community and our school system. Pursuant to Connecticut state law and our By-Laws, we are the municipal body within New Canaan which governs public education in our Town.

Election of Board Members

The Board of Education is an elected body consisting of nine unpaid members. No more than a majority of six members may represent the same political party on the Board. Members are elected for four-year overlapping terms, with five members' terms expiring at one election and the other four at the subsequent election.


The operation of the Board of Education is governed by Connecticut state law and our By-Laws. The By-Laws provide for three officers, a Chairman, Vice Chairman and a Secretary, each of whom is elected by the Board. Currently, our By-Laws provide for two standing committees, a Budget Committee and a Governance Committee.

Board Policies

The duties of the Board include developing specific policies with respect to the operation of our school system. Currently there are 107 such policies that have been adopted by the Board.

Agenda Items

Major decisions are usually on the agenda for at least two meetings. The first meeting, called a "first-read," is typically devoted to discussion by the Board and members of the school administration.

Public Participation at Board Meetings

Board of Education meetings are meetings in public rather than public meetings. However, to ensure the public's right to be heard on school-related topics, the Board has set aside time at the beginning and end of each meeting. Two minutes are allotted to each speaker and a maximum of 15 minutes are set aside for public comments.

Contacting Board Members

The Board of Education relies on input from New Canaan citizens to help us make informed decisions about what is best for our school system.

Saxe Middle School

Celebrating Our Learning Community Through Caring, Communication, and Commitment

NCHS Arts Week

The NCHS Visual and Performing Arts students are preparing for their NCHS Arts Week which will begin on Monday, May 10th. All events are virtual this year and include our Senior Art Show/Senior Film Reel, Senior Music Showcase, end of the year concerts and a composition sharing from our NCHS Music Technology students!

NCHS Theater Department

The First Annual Alumni Fundraising Gala will be on Saturday, February 27th at 7 PM and will feature a talent-packed cast. Broadway veteran and Hello Girls! Director Judy McLane and talented NCHS Theatre alumni who have performed across the United States and on Broadway will be returning to the New Canaan Stage to raise funds for the program.

2021 Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards

We are proud to announce that 8 students from New Canaan High School and Saxe Middle School were recognized in the 31st Annual Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards. They are: Sophie Austin, Ankita Kuttichirayil, Marina Mallozzi, Avery Morawa, Gianfranco Pozzolini, Kaitlyn Sill, Amy Meng and Larson Riccoboni.

Ms. Zoe Robinson Appointed Assistant Principal at South Elementary School

The New Canaan Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bryan Luizzi is pleased to announce that Ms. Zoe Robinson has been promoted to the position of Assistant Principal at South Elementary School.

Welcome Kevin M. Ryan, MEd, CAS

New Canaan Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bryan Luizzi is excited to announce the appointment of Kevin Ryan as the new Special Education Administrator at New Canaan High School.

Over 50 percent of NCHS Class of 2020 Honored with Seal of Biliteracy

The award recognizes a student’s proficiency in English and one or more other language.

How to check your grades on PowerSchool?

As a PowerSchool parent, you can check to see the following: 1 Whether or not your child is in class right now 2 Find out what tonight’s homework is 3 View assignments that the teacher has input 4 View your child’s final grades as they exist in the teacher’s gradebook 5 Register to receive alert notifications 6 Manage all of your children with one single sign-on 7 Review comments from teachers, and much more

How does PowerSchool work?

PowerSchool helps your school access and maintain student information. As a PowerSchool parent, you can check to see the following: View your child’s final grades as they exist in the teacher’s gradebook. Manage all of your children with one single sign-on.
