new college parent portal

by Moses Padberg 9 min read

What is the Springfield College Parent Portal?

Welcome to the Springfield College Parent Portal. This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information: Student eBill/Payment Plan, including making an online payment

What is the student ebill/payment portal?

This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information: Student eBill/Payment Plan, including making an online payment To gain access to the portal, students must setup an account and grant the appropriate permissions for each authorized user.

How do I get Started with mynewschool?

If you have already received authorization from your student, visit the login page to get started. Your student can grant you access to account and financial aid information through MyNewSchool.


How often do children receive progress reports?

Your child will receive a Progress Report twice a year (December and March). The report will contain progress advice and targets from each subject together with marks from the markbook, attendance summary and either current working or predicted grade.

What is the Learner Information Menu?

The Learner Information Menu leads to the Student Details page which displays an overview of the enrolments and the classes your child is enrolled on for this academic year.

What is the Springfield College Parent Portal?

Welcome to the Springfield College Parent Portal. This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information:

How to gain access to Springfield College portal?

To gain access to the portal, students must setup an account and grant the appropriate permissions for each authorized user. Students will also need to provide users with their Springfield College student ID number, to enable them to confirm their account and gain access to the portal.

Family Newsletter

Watch your inbox for our quarterly family newsletter. If you don't receive our emails, complete this form and we will add you to our list.

Family Orientation

Families are invited to attend a one-day virtual Family Orientation on Monday, August 23, 2021. Information about how to register will be available soon.

Parent & Family Account Access

Your student can give you permission to view their academic records or access billing information. Read the directions below to learn how. Please note that your student must opt in and can revoke your access at any time.
