new frontiers parent portal

by Miss Hailie Connelly PhD 7 min read

Why choose New Frontiers Public Schools?

At New Frontiers Public Schools, we believe that every student can achieve! We offer a K – 12 college immersion model where all students, in every grade, receive a collegiate experience. Where others prepare students to enter college, our students are college students – many of whom enter college through our program in high school.

How are services provided under the New Frontiers model?

How are services provided under the New Frontiers model? One-to-one coaching sessions follow a set but flexible as-needed schedule developed collaboratively between the client and coach. Clients have the option of utilizing one of our offices or sessions can be provided at work, home, school, somewhere in between or virtually.

What information can I find in the parent portal?

Birth dateof each child Student ID (5 digit code) of each child (if known) The Parent Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents to become more involved in their child’s education through the convenience of the Internet. You have access to:

Is New Frontiers essential to my son’s success at college?

Consequently, New Frontiers has become essential to my son’s success at college. New Frontiers is stellar! Programming is innovative; it is didactic as well as experiential and provides a safe environment for students to learn about themselves as well as the world around them.


What is New Frontiers’ challenge policy?

While New Frontiers staff encourage bold participation, our challenge policy, called The Shakespearean Clause offers a camper:

What should my child NOT bring to New Frontiers?

Therefore, please do not send any of the following items with your camper: Cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, or similar, knives & weapons of any kind, clothes with negative messages or suggestive attire (halter tops, short shorts, bikinis/speedos), radios, iPods, MP3 players, watches, iPads, tablets or other electronics.

What are your fees, payment and camper form due dates?

For sessions in June, all balances are due by June 1. For sessions in July, all balances are due by July 1. Forms should be printed and brought with your student on arrival to the check-in stations.

What is your religious emphasis and affiliation?

New Frontiers is non-denominational, and therefore not affiliated with a particular denomination; the Apostles’ Creed forms the foundation of our statement of faith.

Does New Frontiers offer discounts or scholarships?

New Frontiers offers a limited number of need-based discounts and scholarships. To apply for a discount or scholarship, please call the office at 615.536.5623.

Will my camper participate in every Adventure Component at New Frontiers?

New Frontiers has so much to offer that it would take weeks to experience everything! While they won’t experience every Component we offer in a single session, each session (excluding our Expeditions) is packed full of a wide variety of Adventure Components designed to challenge your camper and further explore the summer’s theme.

Apply Today

Through our partnership with Palo Alto College, our Frank L. Madla Early College High School offers a college immersion program where students are embedded in college courses with other college students. Each student earns their Distinguished High School Diploma and their Associate’s Degree.

Student STAAR Scores

Texas Education Agency (TEA) offers a Student Portal where parents can view their child’s scores. Click the link below to view scores directly from TEA.

Parental Engagement Policy

Family and Community engagement leads to student success. New Frontiers Public Schools and Frank L. Madla Early College High School embrace opportunities to collaborate and create opportunities where students thrive.

Is New Frontiers responsive?

New Frontiers is responsive to the needs of my patients and to follow through quickly on the delivery of services. They understand who their clients are and what is needed to help them.

Does New Frontiers help with executive functioning?

My son has been working with New Frontiers for several years after his doctor recommended it. All I can say is wow! They have helped with his executive functioning and organizational skills.


Age Range: 8 years to 17 years (students are split into age appropriate groups)


To sign up for our homeschool program, give us a call at out office at 615-536-5623. Amanda Brown, the New Frontiers Homeschool Coordinator, or Austin Wiseman, The PIVOT Program Director, will be happy to help get you connected!

Looking to make a payment?

This is only for those who have registered for the Homeschool Program with us. Please contact Amanda Brown before making the payment to let her know the amount and date of your payment, then click “make payment” below.
