new ulm parent portal

by Fred Macejkovic 10 min read

Where is New Ulm public schools located?

New Ulm Public Schools is located in Brown, Nicollet and Blue Earth Counties and covers 365 square miles. The population of the school district exceeds 19,000. Student enrollment is at approximately 2100 in grades K-12.

Why choose meals at New Ulm public schools?

Meals at New Ulm Public Schools are provided through Chartwells Dining Services. Our goal is to maintain, improve, and promote the health of all students through health assistants at all buildings. New Ulm offers several early childhood/preschool opportunities for children at all levels through programs such as ECFE and Eagles Preschool.

What early childhood/preschool programs are available at New Ulm?

New Ulm offers several early childhood/preschool opportunities for children at all levels through programs such as ECFE and Eagles Preschool. Kids Connection is a school-age child care program for students in grades K-6.

Where is New Ulm MN?

New Ulm, the City of “Charm and Tradition,” is nestled just 90 miles southwest of the Twin Cities, in the heart of the scenic Minnesota River Valley. Meals at New Ulm Public Schools are provided through Chartwells Dining Services.


About Us

New Ulm Public Schools is located in Brown, Nicollet and Blue Earth Counties and covers 365 square miles. The population of the school district exceeds 19,000. Student enrollment is at approximately 2100 in grades K-12.

Latest News

New Ulm Public School students benefit every day from the leadership and vision of our school board members. February 16-22 is Minnesota School Board Recognition Week, so please take time to thank these dedicated school leaders. School board members devote hours of...

Kids Connection

At school care for those unable to be home with their child before school, after school, or during summer.

Little Kids Connection

LKC is available for preschool aged children (3-5 years old) enrolled in a New Ulm Public Schools preschool.

What is UNM Parent and Family Association?

The UNM Parent & Family Association is here for you and your Lobos. Whether it's raising money for student scholarships or helping students move into the dorms, the Parent & Family Association is committed to helping students succeed.

What is the Office of Parents and Families?

The Office of Parents and Families facilitates communication between the university and parents in support of student success and fosters appropriate roles for parental involvement. We work directly with the UNM Parent & Family Association to facilitate connection between Lobos and their families.
