nfhs parent portal

by Miss Celia Crist 4 min read

What is the NFHS Learning Center?

The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Learning Center is an education tool that offers courses to high school coaches, administrators, officials, students, and parents. It provides a variety of program initiatives that reach the 18,500 high schools and over 11 million students involved in athletic and activity programs.

What is the NFHS?

The NFHS is the national leader and advocate for high school athletics as well as fine and performing arts programs.

What is nfhslearn?

What is NFHSLearn? Implicit biases are the automatic reactions we have toward other people based on our past learning and expectations. Studies show tha... Over one million students play the game every year. This video discusses the life skills gained through football and the role that hi...

How do I recover my username or password for SFHS?

*Students and Employees, please send an email to for login assistance. Parents fill in your email below to recover your username or password. Please enter your username and create a new password.


Need help with district devices?

For technology help with district-provided Chromebooks, mobile hotspots and iPads, see our page Technology support: Get help with district devices. There, you can find the support request form and resources for setting up and using district-provided technology.

Teacher Tutorial Times

Teachers at Naaman Forest may offer tutoring before and/or after school. Most teacher tutorial times are located under their profile on the Staff page of the NFHS Website .

Skyward Family Access Accounts

One important resource available to parents is gained by setting up your Skyward Family Access account. With Skyward, parents and students have an easy-to-access line of communication to current attendance, grades, course schedules and more.

Canvas Support for Parents

Want to be an Observer on your student's Canvas account so you can support them in their learning at NFHS? As an observer you can see most of your students Canvas course including; Announcements, Calendars, Assignments, Grades and so much more.

Parent involvement

Students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to:


Parents, we also want to invite you to participate in campus and district activities! Volunteer opportunities are an excellent way to become involved. For more information, please visit our Volunteer pages, and our Campus Improvement and Parent Involvement page.
