north middle school parent portal

by Prof. Tyra Mayer 4 min read

How do I contact the new principal of North Middle School?

I encourage you to reach out to him about any questions you may have. You may email him at It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to you as the new principal of North Middle School.

Where is North Middle School's sexual harassment department located?

Sexual Harassment Statement Technology Department Work Order Technology Department TransACT Parent Notices E-Communication Logo link to home page North Middle School 100 Trojan Way Radcliff, KY 40160

What are the school hours at North Middle School?

Our school is open from 7:15 to 4pm Monday-Friday. Please call our office at 986-9944 with any questions or concerns! We are excited to welcome you to North Middle School!


COVID-19 Update: February 9, 2022

Please take a moment to read the attached letter from Superintendent Joseph Isola.

The following is a message from the Howell Township Public Schools Department of Pupil Services

Please see the attached flyer regarding a Parent Series titled “Vaping & Concentrates Marijuana & Edibles” to be held on February 24, 2022 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

The following is a message from the Howell Township Public Schools Department of Pupil Services

lease see the attached flyer regarding a Parent Series titled “The Nuts and Bolts of Behaviors” to be held on February 15, 2022 at 10:00 am via Zoom.

Current Mode of Instruction 2021-2022

HCS will operate on the normal 5-day schedule. Use the link below to signup for Parent-link Notifications.

KUNA 2022 in Louisville, Kentucky

Mr. Chris Cook will be the lead advisor for KUNA 2022 this year. I encourage you to reach out to him about any questions you may have. Click the KUNA banner above for the FAQ You may email him at

Principal's Message

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to you as the new principal of North Middle School. I have been a part of the school's community for over four years as the assistant principal having previously served as a social studies teacher and assistant principal in another Kentucky school district.

Welcome to North Middle School

North Middle School is one of two middle schools that prepare students for Grants Pass High School.

School News

The 2021 holiday cards are now available for purchase. Sales end Friday, November 19, 2021.
