notre dame parent portal

by Deborah Kilback DDS 4 min read

What is the University of Notre Dame parents website?

The University of Notre Dame Parents website provides information for our current, past and prospective parents. It offers opportunities to become involved in the life of Notre Dame, both on campus and in local areas. Notre Dame Parents // University of Notre Dame

Who is the new director of ND parents?

Dear ND Parents, Welcome to a new academic year!  My name is Leah Corachea, and I am thrilled to be the new Director of ND Parents. I look forward to meeting you all in the months to come. In my new role, my goal is to keep you informed about campus happenings and connect you with opportunities of particular interest to our Notre Dame parents.…

What is the student home page?

A: The student Home Page opens to their dashboard. The Home Page gives them an overview of their grades, attendance, recent scores, discipline incidents, upcoming homework and school events and resources. The student dashboard is the same as the parent dashboard. Who do I contact with questions?


Parent Resources

Do you have questions about resources and services at Notre Dame College? Are unsure about who to contact? Visit the Parent Resources page to find the right person or office to contact.


Register for your own My NDC account so you can access your student’s academic records, financial aid and student account information. Due to FERPA regulations, students must grant permission in order for a parent or guardian to have access to this information.

Parent & New Student Orientation Webpage

New Student Orientation is a mandatory one-day program for all new students, and there is also a parent portion of the program! During Orientation, your student will register for classes, learn about the college’s academic expectations and student life policies, and set up their college email account.

Campus Calendar

Notre Dame has plenty of activities for your student to engage in! Follow the “Upcoming Dates” link to view the college calendar. The calendar will soon provide important dates regarding financial aid, registration, and residence life.

Tuition and financial aid information and forms can be found HERE

The main office on campus is open from 9:00am until 3:00pm daily. If you have questions, please call 408.294.1113 during those hours.

ND News Parent Newsletter

ND News is not being posted online this year due to privacy reasons but will resume in August for current parents. If you are a current parent and not receiving it, please email Brigitte Heiser, director of marketing and communications, at

Notre Dame Parent Association

Parent support and involvement is one of the key components of our Notre Dame community. Find out how you can be involved!


Stay up-to-date regarding all the activities and events at Notre Dame by subscribing to our calendar. You can also easily add reminders to your personal calendar.
