ocps parent portal

by Alanis Boyer II 6 min read

What is the new student information system for Orange County Schools?

8/7/19: Initial Connect Orange message: Orange County Public Schools is excited to announce that we have moved to a new student information system. For parents and guardians, this means that you will no longer use Progress Book and Parent Access to view your student’s information. Starting now, you will use the Skyward Family Access system.

What is the Canvas Parent App for OCPs?

The Canvas Parent app is a streamlined mobile application that allows parents or guardians to have access to important class information (Calendar, Assignments, and Announcements) right at their fingertips. The Canvas Parent app is available for OCPS parents using iOS or Android devices. How do I download the Canvas Parent app on my iOS device?

How do I register for skyward with OCPs?

Further details and training materials can be found on the main OCPS webpage (www.ocps.net) and then select Students and Parents from the top menu. Then click on Skyward. You will need to use the “Skyward Family Access through LaunchPad” documentation to register for a LaunchPad account.


How many milestones are there in OCPS?

There are five key milestones in your family’s educational journey in OCPS. Click on the icons below to access information about each milestone.

Does school provide transportation?

Some schools may also offer transportation for after school tutoring and other activities. Please check with your child's school.

Does OCPs provide lunch?

OCPS is proud to provide breakfast and lunch at all school sites. Designated school sites also provide supper benefits. This year, all students are receiving meals at NO charge.

Is homework part of the curriculum?

Homework is an integral part of the student's educational experience. With the increase in digital curriculum, homework will take shape differently than it has in the past, but the purpose will remain the same:

Is daily attendance in school a responsibility of parents?

Daily attendance in school is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and is encouraged for all students in grades PK-12. Daily attendance is reported for all students grades PK-12. Period-by-period attendance is also reported for students in grades 9-12. Parents will receive notification of unexcused absences daily through the Connect Orange automated phone message system.

Is OCPS a partnership?

OCPS has a collaborative partnership with Orange County Government – Citizens’ Commission for Children (CCC) and the City of Orlando which provides for effective and sustainable afterschool programs services. Specific outcome objectives have been established to include increased academic performance, reduced truancy and absenteeism. After School All Stars services our 9 middle schools located in the Orlando city limits. Boys and Girls Club Services 14 schools and the YMCA services 15 schools. These programs are FREE during the school year.

How many milestones are there in OCPS?

There are five key milestones in your family’s educational journey in OCPS. Click on the icons below to access information about each milestone.

Does school provide transportation?

Some schools may also offer transportation for after school tutoring and other activities. Please check with your child's school.

Does OCPs provide lunch?

OCPS is proud to provide breakfast and lunch at all school sites. Designated school sites also provide supper benefits. This year, all students are receiving meals at NO charge.

Is homework part of the curriculum?

Homework is an integral part of the student's educational experience. With the increase in digital curriculum, homework will take shape differently than it has in the past, but the purpose will remain the same:

Is daily attendance in school a responsibility of parents?

Daily attendance in school is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and is encouraged for all students in grades PK-12. Daily attendance is reported for all students grades PK-12. Period-by-period attendance is also reported for students in grades 9-12. Parents will receive notification of unexcused absences daily through the Connect Orange automated phone message system.

Is OCPS a partnership?

OCPS has a collaborative partnership with Orange County Government – Citizens’ Commission for Children (CCC) and the City of Orlando which provides for effective and sustainable afterschool programs services. Specific outcome objectives have been established to include increased academic performance, reduced truancy and absenteeism. After School All Stars services our 9 middle schools located in the Orlando city limits. Boys and Girls Club Services 14 schools and the YMCA services 15 schools. These programs are FREE during the school year.

What is the OCPS parent portal?

The OCPS Parent Portal is your one-stop shop for all of the most important information. Click here to access the OCPS Parent Portal.

How many apps does OCPS have?

OCPS centrally purchases major digital apps and platforms for all schools. There are five apps and platforms that all families should be familiar with.

What is OCPS 2021?

OCPS is one of three districts nationally to be named and ISTE Distinguished District in 2021. ISTE Distinguished Districts are moving the needle in big ways. Click here to learn more!

What is Skyward Family Access?

Skyward Family Access - this provides access to student grades, schedules, reports cards, progress reports and more. Click here to learn more about Skyward Family Access.

Does every OCPS student have an email account?

Every OCPS student is provided with their own email account but not every OCPS student checks their email account regularly. Beginning in late elementary encourage your student to check and delete their email regularly.

Does OCPs have tablets?

OCPS provided tablets and laptops come with all of the applications your child needs pre-installed. But OCPS also has important mobile apps you may want to consider installing on your student's mobile devices like a phone and/or tablets if you choose to use a personal device! Apps available for iOS and Android devices.
