old palace parent portal

by Mr. Orville Paucek 5 min read

What are the parent and student portals?

The Parent and Student Portals were created as a way for both parents and students to stay involved in the student's academic life. The PUSD Parent and Student Portals allow for better communication between parents, students and teachers. Parent and Student Portals have up to date information on:

What is the email address for Old Palace?

New Email: 11JaneD@oldpalace.croydon.sch.uk Your passwords haven’t been changed. Please use either of the following browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Safari. If you’re having any issues with Remote Access please review the User Guides below.

Is there a mobile app version of the parent portal?

A mobile app version of parent portal is also available! NOTE: Mobile App has limited access only to Grades, Report Cards, Attendance, Contact and Demographic information. Los portales de padres y estudiantes se crearon como una forma para que tanto los padres como los estudiantes se mantengan involucrados en la vida académica del estudiante.

What are the Portales of Padres and Estudiantes?

Los portales de padres y estudiantes se crearon como una forma para que tanto los padres como los estudiantes se mantengan involucrados en la vida académica del estudiante. Los portales de padres y estudiantes de PUSD permiten una mejor comunicación entre padres, estudiantes y maestros.


Note to Students

Just to make you aware that your Username & Email have now been changed to the following.

To access the Microsoft Teams click on the following link

Please use either of the following browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Safari.

To access the school network click on the following link

If you’re having any issues with Remote Access please review the User Guides below.


Involvement in sports is an important element in the overall education of our well-rounded students. Use the "Pick A Team" drop down menu to select a team and view schedules, rosters and contact information for coaches. If you have any questions, contact Athletic Director John Conner .

Pick A Team

Select Team Select Team... Basketball - Girls Basketball - Green Boys Basketball - White Boys Cross Country Field Hockey Soccer Swimming - Coed Tennis

Social Media

Before-School Care (7:30-8 a.m.) and After-School Care (3:30-6 p.m.) is offered daily as a convenience to families. Learn more

Add School Calendars to Your Phone or Google Calendar

If you'd like to add our school calendar to your phone or computer, first navigate to our School Calendar page. Then use the following steps:

Sign Up for Text Alerts from the School

Throughout the year, we'll send important alerts – like school closing announcements, special deadline reminders, etc. – straight to your phone.

Update Your Contact Information in the Family Directory

Our emergency communications system, school email lists, and family directory all pull the latest contact information from individuals' profiles on MyTrail.
