ophs parent portal

by Deion Stark 7 min read

How do I get more information about the parent portal?

For more information about the Parent Portal, contact the Counseling Office at 209-6233, or the Technology and Information Services office at 209-6330.

What is an OPHS report it?

OPHS Report-It OPHS Report-It is an anonymous way for students and parents to let school officials know about important student mistreatment and safety concerns. OPHS Report-It is an anonymous way for students and parents to let school officials know about important student mistreatment and safety concerns.

Who are the organizations supporting Oak Park unified school district?

Organizations Supporting the Oak Park Unified School District Departments Counseling Services Transportation Superintendent's Office Business Services Communications Curriculum and Instruction Bond Program, Sustainability, Maintenance & Operations

How do I order my OPHS transcript?

Click here for instructions on how to order your OPHS Transcript. Veritas Veritas is the OPHS Literary Arts Magazine of creative student stories and poems. Available for $5 at the student store or order a copy online for $9 Veritas is the OPHS Literary Arts Magazine of creative student stories and poems.


District of Choice application is closed for 2022-2023 The DOC application for 2022-2023 is now closed. Click here for more information about the program

The DOC application for 2022-2023 is now closed. Click here for more information about the program.

OPHS Report-It OPHS Report-It is an anonymous way for students and parents to let school officials know about important student mistreatment and safety concerns

OPHS Report-It is an anonymous way for students and parents to let school officials know about important student mistreatment and safety concerns.

Back to School Resources Oak Park is prepared for a return to a full, traditional, five-day in-person instructional program for all students beginning on August 9, 2021. For details about our safety protocols and information about our return to school plans please view our Back to School Resource Guide here

Oak Park is prepared for a return to a full, traditional, five-day in-person instructional program for all students beginning on August 9, 2021. For details about our safety protocols and information about our return to school plans please view our Back to School Resource Guide here.

OPUSD Enrichment Learning Resources OPUSD has created a curated list of online educational resources that parents and students can access during the summer. CLICK HERE to access the resources

OPUSD has created a curated list of online educational resources that parents and students can access during the summer. CLICK HERE to access the resources.

OPHS College Admission Statistics Comprehensive college admission statistics for the class of 2021 OPHS Graduates. We also have comparative data for the classes of 2012 through 2021

Comprehensive college admission statistics for the class of 2021 OPHS Graduates. We also have comparative data for the classes of 2012 through 2021.

The Talon The Talon online is the official website for the Talon student newspaper. It is published by students from the Talon club and the OPHS journalism program

The Talon online is the official website for the Talon student newspaper. It is published by students from the Talon club and the OPHS journalism program.

OPHS COVID 19 Visitor Protocols Social distancing and preventative protocols are in place. If you need to visit the main office, please call to set up an appointment. There are NO WALK-INS. 818-735-3300

Social distancing and preventative protocols are in place. If you need to visit the main office, please call to set up an appointment. There are NO WALK-INS. 818-735-3300

When is OPUSD re-enrollment 2021?

OPUSD 2021-22 Re-enrollment OPUSD Re-enrollment opens in Q Parent Connect on July 26, 2021 at 9:30am. All students need to re-enroll for the 2021-22 school year. Site specific back to school information will be sent by the principal via ParentSquare.

When will Oak Park USD return to school?

Oak Park USD is prepared for a return to a full, traditional, five-day in-person instructional program for all students beginning on August 9, 2021. For details about our safety protocols and information about our return to school plans click here.

When will the District of Choice application open?

The District of Choice Application for the 2022-2023 school year will open on October 1, 2021. The application for 2021-2022 are closed. To learn more about the District of Choice Program and the transfer process please click here.
