opms parent portal

by Lonie Bauch 6 min read

How do I get more information about the parent portal?

For more information about the Parent Portal, contact the Counseling Office at 209-6233, or the Technology and Information Services office at 209-6330.

How do I subscribe to the Orchard Park Central School District iCal calendar?

Applications are available online and due by March 4, 2022. Please click the headline to read instructions on how to subscribe to the Orchard Park Central School District iCal calendar. Download the OP Schools App Today! The OP Schools mobile app contains essential information on district news, events, and important reference information.

What is the op schools mobile app?

The OP Schools mobile app contains essential information on district news, events, and important reference information. Download the app for free by searching for “OP Schools” in the App Store or Google Play.


When will OSSD students eat free?

All OSSD Students to Eat Free in 2021-2022. 7/19/2021 4:00 PM. All OSSD students will eat free for the 2021 school year, as the USDA has granted a waiver that all students eat free under the Seamless Summer Option.

When will Ocean Springs School District return to school?

The Ocean Springs School District has released its 2021-2022 Return to School Plan. The Ocean Springs School District will return to school on August 4th, 2021 in a traditional format.
