ormiston parent portal

by Amir Harris 3 min read

Why choose Ormiston Public School?

Ormiston Public School serves a population of approximately 390 students in grades K-8 in Whitby, Ontario. The Ormiston Public School community is a safe and caring one with a focus on academics, safety and character education. The school team works collaboratively to emphasize success for each student.

What's new at Ormiston?

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Parent Zone which is now accessible to Ormiston College parents via the college website. This is a major technological innovation which provides a leading edge facility for parents, offering integrated online access to a variety of student information.

What information can I See on the Kamar Parent Portal?

The KAMAR Parent Portal allows parents to see attendance records, NCEA results and fees statements. Please note that if you require further information that is not on the portal or if you wish to discuss the attendance of your child with our staff, you should not hesitate to contact the school office on (09) 551 2430

How can parents view their own attendance and NCEA results?

They can view their own attendance and NCEA results on the portal. Parents/Guardians will all receive a secure username and password via email during Term 1 to login to the KAMAR Parent Portal. The KAMAR Parent Portal allows parents to see attendance records, NCEA results and fees statements.


What is the phone number for the parent zone?

Please contact the College IT Department on 3488 6790 if you have not received your credentials for the Parent Zone, or if you have any difficulty accessing it.

What is parent zone?

The Parent Zone is an integrated gateway to the existing Parent Lounge, the new format has been designed for parents to easily access and retrieve information from the College.

Do all OrmPS learners have a hero account?

All OrmPS learners have access to their own personal HERO account. Your HERO account is set up for you when you start at OrmPS and login details will be sent to you.

Can you access Ormiston Primary online?

All current learners at Ormiston Primary can access a wide range of online learning platforms. These can all be accessed either through your school google account or through specific usernames and passwords that are given to you for the different subscriptions.

For parents

The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education.

Transportation, pick-up and drop-off

Help us support a culture of respect and harmony by adhering to school bus and transportation safety rules. When driving your child (ren) to and from school, please use designated drop-off and pick-up locations. When using these locations, please wait outside for your child.

Questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s experience at school, begin by contacting your child's teacher. If you wish to meet with another staff member, contact the school office to book a meeting. Please remember to sign in at the school office when you arrive.

Repeat prescriptions

Order your regular medications in the patient portal then either pick them up from your pharmacy or the clinic. Repeat prescriptions are at GP discretion, usually requiring an in-person consultation every 6 months to check the dosage.

Lab results

Our doctors review all lab results and we’ll call you if there’s anything abnormal or of concern. You won’t hear from us if the result is normal. You can check all your results, and compare them with past results, in your Patient Portal.

Specialist letters

You will find copies of specialist correspondence in your patient portal. This may include letters from a hospital visit or private clinic treatment. Please note this is not a complete set of your health information.
