oshkosh parent portal

by Dr. Bonita Stiedemann V 4 min read

How do I change the primary household in Oshkosh area school district?

The Oshkosh Area School District requires a form filled out for Primary/Secondary Household change. This can be supported by legal documentation, and requires signatures of both parents. The Oshkosh Area School District will verify with both parents the change requested. Please see link below for the form.

Who can request to attend a different school in Oshkosh?

The Oshkosh Area School District allows parents of resident students to request attendance at a school other than their home school in the district. Who can apply? Any Oshkosh resident in 4K to grade 12 may apply to attend a different school in the Oshkosh Area School District.

How do I apply for 4K enrollment in Oshkosh?

If you have any questions please contact Rachael Bauer, our District Student Information System Manager at rachael.bauer@oshkosh.k12.wi.us or 920.424.0142. Enrollment for 4K, New, and Existing Families must be completed online.

Can a J-1 visa student attend Oshkosh area school district high school?

Sponsoring foreign exchange organizations may apply for J-1 Visa students to attend either Oshkosh Area School District high school. Each high school will accept up to 5 foreign exchange students per school year following district policy.


How many hours can you work at UW Oshkosh?

The University and surrounding community offer many jobs for students. Most students can still do well academically while working 8-10 hours per week. Students who are offered federal work study in their financial aid award can apply for work-study designated positions; students who have not applied for federal aid or were not offered federal work-study can still apply for jobs on campust. Current job postings can be found on UW Oshkosh Handshake.

How to access UWosh awards?

Most students will receive an email in their @uwosh.edu account with directions on how to access their awards online to accept or decline them. A student’s email account is established as soon as they pay the initial admission deposit through the Admissions Office. For assistance accessing email, contact the IT Help Desk at (920) 424-3020. If you would like a paper copy of the award notification, your student is able to print their award directly from TitanWeb.

What if you did not live with one parent more than the other?

If they did not live with one parent more than the other, answer only the questions about the parent who provided most of the student’s financial support during the last 12 months or during the most recent year that the student actually received support from a parent.

What is the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act?

As the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) limits the amount of information we can provide parents, we urge you to keep the lines of communication open with your student.

Who are not considered parents on FAFSA?

The following people are not considered parents on the FAFSA unless they have legally adopted the student: grandparents, foster parents, legal guardians, older brothers or sisters and uncles or aunts.

Does UW Oshkosh offer financial aid?

We understand that the cost of education is an important concern that students and parents have. UW Oshkosh offers quality, affordable degree programs and financial aid services to help meet the costs of education. The Financial Aid Office provides financial assistance in the forms of grants, loans, scholarships and work-study. Take time to review the various types of aid available to students and families of the University.

Where to enroll in 4k in Oshkosh WI?

If you do not have access to a computer, one is available at any school building or at the District Administration Building (215 S Eagle Street, Oshkosh WI). It is not recommended to use your cell phone for the enrollment process, as it is not supported by the SIS system.

What is inter-district open enrollment?

The inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside.

How old do you have to be to be a census in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin state law requires school districts to maintain a census of all residents of that school district from birth to age 21. We would appreciate your assistance by providing the Oshkosh Area School District with information about your child (ren).

What is a child's ID card?

A child ID card contains the child’s fingerprint, photo, address, guardian information, and any important emergency information like allergies.

Does Oshkosh Area School District require a form for a primary household change?

The Oshkosh Area School District requires a form filled out for Primary/Secondary Household change. This can be supported by legal documentation, and requires signatures of both parents. The Oshkosh Area School District will verify with both parents the change requested. Please see link below for the form.

When is open enrollment for 2021?

The regular open enrollment application period for the 2021-2022 school year begins on February , 1 2021, and ends at 4:00 pm on April 30, 2021. The best way to apply is online using the following link:

Is an annual enrollment required for returning students?

Existing Families: Annual enrollment for returning (existing) students is required and only by fully completing the enrollment process will a student’s place at school be assured. The annual enrollment process includes updating demographic and contact information, as well as making online fee and food service payments.

What is the Oshkosh Area School District?

The Oshkosh Area School District strives to provide high-quality, nutritious, and affordable breakfasts and lunches that children will enjoy.

How many times a week does Oshkosh West High School have pick up?

at Oshkosh West High School, and Thursdays from 1-2 p.m. at Oshkosh North High School. Meals will be provided for 5 school days at a time, so families only need to attend one pick-up per week.

What is the food service department?

The Food Service Department knows and understands that children who eat well-balanced, nutritious meals do much better in school. We use the highest quality products to make fresh nutritious meals. Each school day we provide healthy and affordable breakfast and lunch meals. Under the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ...

What is the goal of Smart Snacks in Schools?

The goal is to reduce plate waste and also to allow students to make choices they prefer. At breakfast, students must select a minimum of 3 different meal components and at lunch, students must select 3 of the 5 offered meal components. At lunch, 1 of the 3 must be a fruit or vegetable. Smart Snacks in Schools.

Where are meals available in Oshkosh?

Meals will be available at Oshkosh West at door #24 and meals will be available at Oshkosh North in the circle drive.

Who is allowed to participate in the development, implementation, review, and update of the Student Wellness Policy?

Permit parents, students, representatives of the School Food Authority, the school board, school administrators, physical education teachers, school health professionals and the public to participate in the development, implementation, review, and update of the Student Wellness Policy.

Can you send cash to a small child?

Sending cash with small children is not recommended. Refunds. Refunds will be granted for students and families exiting the district and in limited situations, when a student no longer uses the account. Refunds will only be issued through the Food Services Office.
