osu parent portal

by Dillon Gislason 5 min read

How do I access the new OSU student system?

The my.okstate.edu Portal is the starting place to access the new student system and other OSU systems via single sign-on. After logging into the portal with your O-Key information, click on one of the applications or quick links: You can also use the Student link at the top of the portal to access other online resources for OSU students.

Where is the Ohio State University student academic services building?

© 2016 | Student Academic Services Building | 281 W. Lane Ave. | Columbus, Ohio 43210 | 614-292-OHIO Contact: Admissions| Webmaster| Page maintained by Office of the CIO Requestan alternate format of this page | Web Services Status| Nondiscrimination notice The Ohio State University, OneCampus Portal, Powered by rSmart Close feedback.

Is student life hiring at Ohio State?

Welcome to Ohio State! Student Life is Hiring! More Information for Students Who are Interested. Is your Student Moving to Campus? Here Is What to Bring... Student Life is Hiring!

What is the enrollment deposit for Ohio State University?

Upon admission to OSU, all freshmen starting in the summer and fall are required to submit a $300 enrollment deposit. This deposit will allow your student to register for orientation and enrollment and apply for housing. You can pay the deposit starting Dec. 1.


Parent and Family Relations Login

Authorized Payer setup (How to set up an Authorized Payer) | buckeyelink

Standard Housing Rates : Housing and Residence Education

Dining Plans : University Dining Services

When did Oklahoma State University notify parents of alcohol and drug violations?

Parental Notification Policy. Oklahoma State University enacted a new policy at the beginning of the fall 2002 semester , which permits selected University Administrators to notify the parents of students who are under 21 and found responsible for violating the University's Alcohol and Drug Policies. Home.

What is the purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act?

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The essence of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is to give a student the right to inspect his or her education records and to protect the privacy of these records.

Does OSU have security?

Safety. OSU takes your student's safety very seriously, and provides security phones across campus, hall member (s) on duty in each hall 24 hours a day, and one of the fastest response times of any police department.

When should I be expecting a bill from OSU?

Billing statements will be available to students around the 5th of October and will be due by November 1st to avoid interest charges. All of our billing is processed electronically through eBill. We do not send out paper statements to currently enrolled students.

Can I have access to my student's billing statements as well?

Absolutely! Your student can grant you access to his/her eBill statements by setting you up as an Authorized User. Authorized Users are given their own username and password to be able to log on and view, print or even pay online via eCheck.

How do regulations regarding student privacy affect my communication with the Student Finance Office?

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student's educational records. FERPA applies to students financial records as well.

How do I contact your office?

In Person: We are located on the main floor of the Kerr Administration Building on the main floor directly across from the Registrar's and Admissions Offices. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM.

How many students are there at OSU?

OSU is home to more than 20,000 students and more than 450 student organizations, so there are plenty of options for things to do outside of the classroom. If there isn't an organization to fit your student, he or she can form a new one! Students can also become involved in student government or Greek life.

How often do you check your OSU email?

Make sure that once your student is accepted to OSU, they check their OSU email account at least once a week. OSU communicates many important messages about important deadlines, choosing housing, and accepting scholarships and financial aid only through this email account.

When is the deadline for OSU scholarships?

The priority scholarship deadline for students entering in the fall to be considered for all OSU scholarships is February 1, and for students entering in the spring is October 15.

Does Oklahoma State University accept SAT scores?

OSU accepts official test scores from ACT and SAT, but does not accept the writing portion of either. When your student signs up for a national test, make sure that they list Oklahoma State University to make sure we receive the official score. Our ACT code is 3424, and our SAT code is 6546.
