parent as teacher portal

by Jermaine Kertzmann 5 min read

What is the parents as teachers affiliate certification program?

This 40-hour certification training is designed for Parents as Teachers affiliate staff who will use the Parents as Teachers approach to support families whose children are prenatal to three years of age, and offers Parents as Teachers affiliate implementation strategies.

Where can I find information about the parents as teachers conference?

FOR CONFERENCE PRICING, HOTEL INFO and ALL OTHER CONFERENCE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT Parents as Teachers is fulfilling its mission in local communities throughout the United States and in six other countries.

What kind of training does parents as teachers provide?

Parents as Teachers is currently providing virtual Foundational, Model Implementation, Foundational 2, and Foundations of Center-Based Family Engagement trainings. Contact us at if you have any questions regarding training.

Is it safe to train with parents as teachers National Center?

Due to continuing health concerns regarding COVID, Parents as Teachers National Center is currently suspending all on ground trainings across the country until further notice. There are many safety factors to consider in reopening spaces for group events such as training.


What is the goal of parents as teachers?

Our goals: Prevent child abuse and neglect. Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development. Improve parenting practices, increasing children's school readiness and success. Provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues.

Is a parent a teacher?

Both parents and teachers play a pivotal role in educating a child. Parents are a child's first teacher. They teach essential life and academic skills while providing love and support that help students healthily develop.

What are some things you are learning about the Parents as Teachers model?

The Parents as Teachers model aims to (1) increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices, (2) provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues, (3) prevent child abuse and neglect, and (4) increase children's school readiness and school success.

What are the four integrated components to the PAT model?

There are four interrelated and integrated components to the PAT model: personal visits, group connections, screening, and resource network.

Are parents good teachers essay?

Parents are the one responsible for providing the needs of their children like love, attention, support, material things and most of all knowledge. Parents are indeed the best teachers of their children; they give knowledge in several ways. First, they're the one who teach their child to talk in their early age.

What is the responsibility of parents in school?

Ultimately, parents must maintain discipline and control of their children's behavior, whether at school or away from school. The parental duty in this regard includes direct responsibility for all aspects of children's conduct and financial liability for their misconduct or negligence.

How can parents and teachers work together?

Encouraging parental involvement such as volunteering at school events. Making routine phone calls to the student's home to connect with parents and family on a regular basis. Creating a weekly newsletter that can be sent to all family members for every student to convey generalized information.

How do you communicate with parents as a teacher?

These parents may be easier to reach on the phone or via email. Teachers can also use phone calls and emails to regularly communicate with parents between conferences. Text messages. Some teachers use mass text messages or special messaging apps to communicate with parents.

Which of the following are included in the Parents as Teachers program?

Parents as Teachers offers four components:Parenting/child development information provided through home visits, telephone calls, group meetings, and so forth.Parent support groups.Child screenings/assessments.Referral to services as appropriate.

What is development centered parenting?

When parents are warm, responsive, encouraging, and communicative—the key elements of developmental parenting—they lay the foundation for young children's school readiness, social competence, and mental health.

What do all Pat programs submit annually that provides data on their implementation of the PAT model?

To help achieve fidelity to the PAT model, the PAT National Center requires that affiliates provide annual data on their fidelity to the program model through an Affiliate Performance Report.

Which statement best describes one of the goals of the HFA program?

Which statement best describes one of the goals of the HFA program? This program is a federally funded program that serves low-income pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers.