parent portal aiken county

by Mrs. Shemar Trantow II 4 min read

Does Aiken County public schools offer online student registration?

We are once again offering online student registration and are pleased to be able to continue this time-saving service to families. Aiken County Public Schools will accept handwritten transcripts before the official transcripts arrive to ensure students are enrolled quickly.

How do I create an account for the parent portal?

Parents can create an account for the Parent Portal and link all of their children under one signon account. They must go to their child’s school and request a WEB ID and Password letter for Parents. Parents can also download from the App store the Parent Portal app to use on their mobile devices.

How do I link all my children to the parent portal?

Parents can create an account for the Parent Portal and link all of their children under one signon account. They must go to their child’s school and request a WEB ID and Password letter for Parents.

What information will be available in the parent portal?

This includes registration, transportation information, grades and attendance. This year, all transportation information including bus numbers, pick-up times etc. will be available in your Parent Portal account prior to the start of school.



We welcome parent involvement and believe that it is vital to a students' overall well-being and performance in school. A students' parent/guardian is a key influencer to his/her individual success and we are devoted to keeping parents informed, engaged and involved in their students' academics.

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Board Approves Hiring of Matt Quinn as Head Football Coach, Physical Education Teacher at North Augusta High

Quinn was a member of four consecutive state championship teams at Byrnes High School and was named to the South Carolina Shrine Bowl team in 2005.

Top Spellers to Compete in Aiken County Spelling Bee Monday, Feb. 7, 2022, at Amentum Center for the Performing Arts

The event will be livestreamed by The Aiken Standard on its website and Facebook page.

What is parent portal?

Parent Portal: We ask that all parents establish a Parent Portal account. The Parent Portal account allows parents to create a single sign-on account where they can view all their student’s information in one area even if the students attend different schools. This includes registration, transportation information, grades and attendance. This year, all transportation information including bus numbers, pick-up times etc. will be available in your Parent Portal account prior to the start of school. Information on setting up a Parent Portal account has been sent home previously, if you need assistance in setting up a Parent Portal account please contact the school as this is the easiest way to register your student (s).

Can parents make a one time payment?

Parents/guardians may establish a recurring payment or opt to make a one-time payment. The program offers various types of payment to families that include but are not limited to school registration fees, instructional materials, field trip fees, yearbook fees, graduation fees, and, of course food service payments.
