parent portal baltimore city public schools

by Marcelina Mosciski 7 min read

How to contact Baltimore City public schools?

Log in using Baltimore City Public Schools email Can’t find what you’re looking for? Visit our district directory to find the right contact for you! Baltimore City Public Schools 200 E. North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 443-984-2000 Facebook for Baltimore City Public Schools Twitter for Baltimore City Public Schools

Does BCPS have focus and Schoology for parents?

BCPS School Zone Chart and Contact Information Last item for navigation Baltimore County Public Schools » Students & Parents Parent access to Focus and Schoology is now available. Parents: For instructions on how to create a parent account please see our Tech Support page.

What is the focus Parent Portal?

The Focus Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance communication and involvement for you in your child's education. Attention Parents/Guardians: Parents/Guardians with students new to Baltimore County Public Schools may begin the enrollment application process online.

What are the public schools in Baltimore County?

Baltimore County Public Schools A Arbutus Elementary School Arbutus Middle School B Baltimore Highlands Elementary School Battle Grove Elementary School Battle Monument School Bear Creek Elementary School Bedford Elementary School


How do I log into Baltimore City Public Schools?

From a desktop or laptopGo to ... Enter your City Schools username ( will be redirected to the Baltimore City Public Schools sign in page. ... In the upper right-hand corner, click on the grid of black boxes next to your child's initials.More items...

How do I check my grades for Baltimore City school?

To see your/your child's report cards and progress reports, please follow these steps:Login to Campus Portal.Click More at the bottom of the list on the left-hand side.Under Quick Links, select Academic Progress. ... Find Report Card or Progress Report and click on the quarter.

Is Baltimore city schools going back virtual?

Baltimore City Public Schools is excited to announce the continuation of our Virtual Learning Program (VLP), the district's online educational program, for the 2022-23 school year. The VLP will serve students in grades 3 to 12.

How do I change my Bcpss password?

1. From a computer connected to the internet open up a web browser and go to 2. Follow the prompts to reset your password.

What is the lowest passing grade in high school?

High School Grading System90-100. A. Excellent.80-89. B. Good.70-79. C. Average.65-69. D. Passing.Below 65. F. Failing.

What is the grading scale in Maryland?

Each letter grade has a numerical value: A+, A, A- = 4; B+, B, B- = 3; C+, C, C- = 2; D+, D, D- = 1; F = 0. Multiplying this value by the number of credits for a particular course gives the number of quality points earned for that course.

Is Baltimore city schools going virtual 2022?

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! We can't wait to see you for the first day of school on August 29. Most students will return to learning in person, with a very limited number of students enrolled in the Virtual Learning Program.

Is Baltimore City schools closing?

The Baltimore City school board voted Tuesday night to close three public schools during summer 2023, citing low enrollment numbers and deteriorating buildings, despite calls from community members to keep them open.

Are Baltimore schools closed tomorrow?

No active Closings & Delays. When there are active school closings, you can find the most up-to-date list of closings & delays here. As schools are reported closed, they will be added to this list.

What is the BCPS WIFI password?

When prompted, enter the network security key: internet(all lower-case) • This 'Welcome Portal' appears after connecting to BCPS-GUESTS and opening a web browser: Click the link to review the Acceptable Use Policy and press Accept. Enter the username and password below: o username: DebateGuest o password: DBPass1234!

How do I change my clever password?

If you would like to update your Clever password, click on your name in the top-right of the district dashboard and click Profile. Click Edit to update your password.

How many credits do you need to graduate from high school in Maryland?

21 creditsTo be awarded a diploma, a student must earn a minimum of 21 credits, 18 of them in the subjects below. See COMAR 13A. 03.02.