parent portal bonnyrigg high school

by Christopher Olson 8 min read

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Why do parents have to login to the portal?

To ensure student information remains private, parents and carers are required to login to the Portal. Only parents and carers with a child currently attending our school can be given access to the Portal.

How do I register for the portal?

To register for the Portal you will need to go to the Portal Registration Page and complete the details. Your username is the email address that we have on record for you at our school Once you have filled in all the information please click on the create your account icon.

How do I login to the portal as a student?

To login you will need to use: If you are logging in for the first time as a registered user you will need to use the student/family access key on the home page in order to link your Portal with your child's details. You can find the student/family access key section on the right hand side of the home page.


Bonnyrigg Heights Primary School

Our school is dedicated to providing quality teaching and learning in all curriculum areas.

Latest news

This document provides parents and carers with information relating to the return to school for Term 1, 2022.

2022 Return to School Information

This document provides parents and carers with information relating to the return to school for Term 1, 2022.
