parent portal burke

by Van Thompson IV 5 min read

Where can I find PowerSchool in Burke County?

Along with many other helpful resources, PowerSchool can be accessed within the Burke County App! Search for "Burke County PS" in your app store today ! The Burke County Board of Education recognizes and encourages academic scholarship through two academic honor rolls for students in Grades 3-8.

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal also makes it easy for parents and teachers to communicate via e-mail messages. You may even choose to receive automatic e-mail alerts if your child is tardy or missing an assignment.

How do I contact Burke primary care?

Burke Primary Care 103 Medical Heights Dr. Morganton, NC 28655 (828) 437-4211 [email protected] © 2022 Burke Primary Care. Developed by VanNoppen.

Why Burke for Education?

Burke creates authentic and meaningful connections between faculty members and students. We challenge students to engage in their own education and expand their world and self-view. I can't say enough great things about Burke.


Parents Association

Edmund Burke Parents Association (EBPA) fosters communication, cooperation, and support between parents and the school. Led by an Executive Committee and supported by Grade Representatives, EBPA organizes a variety of events throughout the year.

EBPA Leadership 2021-22

Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.

Message from Principal Rasmussen

As we head into the month of February, Covid infections continue to impact many of us. We will continue the same protocols that were in place the first semester such as masks being worn while in the building, hand sanitizing frequently, and disinfecting high touch areas as much as possible.

Parent Teacher Conferences are February 17 with some virtual options

We will be hosting in-person parent teacher conferences on Thursday, February 17th from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will be opportunities for virtual conference times through Microsoft Bookings. Check for an email sent from our school on February 5 with the link to the virtual times.

Burke AP Scholars to be recognized at OPS Board Meeting

We are very proud of our 62 AP Scholars that will be recognized in a virtual video presentation to the Omaha Public Schools Board of Education on Thursday, February 24th at 6:30 p.m. We had a few of the AP Scholars interviewed by our district communications team for the video presentation.

Burke Prom is Saturday, April 9

We are getting excited about our Prom on April 9. We are planning for an event much like we had pre-covid. Students will be able to invite guests from outside of Burke High School for the first time in two years. Guest approval forms will be available soon for completion.

Daily Health Screening Questions

Health and safety remain our priority. To assist us with our effort in keeping students, staff and families safe, we are asking you to conduct a daily health screening on your child (ren) every day prior to sending them to school.

Updated Graphics for Burke Entry

We had a generous donation from Nancy Kratky to purchase new window graphics in our Burke entryway. The new graphics help make this entry more inviting. We want everyone to know we are the Bulldogs when they enter Burke High School. We will be updating other areas with banners that highlight our four academies soon.

Winter Weather Remote Learning Procedures and Schedules

We've been fortunate thus far but that can change quickly this time of year. Winter weather is upon us and we have a remote learning plan and schedule in the event of school closings due to weather. Teachers will create and deliver learning content using the schedule below.

Meet Our Students

Get to know students who represent myriad interests and who began at Burke in a wide range of grades.

Burke's Got Talent 2022

On January 21, thanks to our Student Government Association leads, as well as Jamie L. (Director of Student Activities) and Alexis M. (Dean of Students), a delightful tradition return to the Atrium.

Burke Parent '24 & '26

I can't say enough great things about Burke. I have two very different kids and Burke has figured out how to bring out the best in both of them.

Burke Alum '05

Burke is a special place, and the people there are very special. It's okay to be different – that's what I got from Burke.

Burke Arts Faculty

Burke creates authentic and meaningful connections between faculty members and students. We challenge students to engage in their own education and expand their world and self-view.

Burke Parent '24 & '26

I can't say enough great things about Burke. I have two very different kids and Burke has figured out how to bring out the best in both of them.

Burke Alum '05

Burke is a special place, and the people there are very special. It's okay to be different – that's what I got from Burke.
