parent portal campbell

by Dr. Arely Klocko PhD 4 min read

Are masks mandatory in Campbell County public schools?

Campbell County Public Schools (CCPS) released a mitigation plan for the 21-22 school year in late July based upon the Virginia Department of Health’s Back to School mitigation framework. The CCPS School Board highly recommended masks while indoors; however, masks were optional in the original plan.

How do I find child care on Fort Campbell?

Begin your search and request child care at, even before you arrive on Fort Campbell and as soon as you find out you're pregnant or the adoption of a child.

Where can I pay my tuition fees at Campbell University?

Campbell University will continue to accept cash and check payments in the Bursar’s Office. Cash and check payments on your student account may be made on the second floor of the McLeod Admissions and Financial Aid Center at 40 T.T. Lanier Street, Buies Creek, NC. Paper checks and money orders may also be mailed to:

How do I use parent Central Services?

Parent Central Services provides information about Child and Youth Services (CYS) programs and assists parents in making the appropriate choices for their Family. Visit MWR's CYS Online Services page to reserve hourly care, make payments, sign up for activities, view child care statements and much more!


My Student's Information

Login to PowerSchool. This lets you check your child's attendance and contact the teacher. Parents of middle school students can even check grades and progress.​

Lunch Program

Look up the school menu, manage your child's meal account balance and get tips for promoting good nutrition at home.

How to contact Fort Campbell for child care?

FAX: +1 (270)798-2962. Begin your search and request child care at, even before you arrive on Fort Campbell and as soon as you find out you're pregnant or the adoption of a child.

How to contact Parent Central?

This will expedite the enrollment process, since we will have you in our data base. For more information, please call Parent Central Services at +1 (270)798-0674. FAQs, Fees, Forms & Links.

When is Parent Central reopening?

Parent Central Services is re-opening with full services in our new location on Monday, 28 June. 2702 Michigan Avenue (inside the Soldier Support Center) Currently open to patrons via phone or by appointment only. Please call +1 (270)798-0674.

Can students access TouchNet?

Students can only access the TouchNet payment center through their Self-Service portal. Please follow these steps to access your TouchNet account. We highly recommend consistently clearing your internet history including cache and cookies between uses.

Does Campbell University accept debit cards?

Effective July 1, 2021, The Campbell University Bursar’s Office will no longer accept credit or debit card payments in the McLeod Admissions and Financial Aid Center. Credit/debit card payments will only be accepted online through the TouchNet payment portal. Campbell University will continue to accept cash and check payments in the Bursar’s Office.
