parent portal ccgs

by Gretchen Schuppe IV 3 min read

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

Welcome Parents! This Parent Portal will allow you to request changes or updates to certain information specific to you, such as your child care provider, children in care, co-pay fees, and more. By registering, you will receive benefits such as being able to submit requests to be processed by a CCA staff person, sign up for text alerts, and more.

What is the parent portal for 2019-2020?

Through the Parent Portal, you’ll be able to securely NEW FOR 2019-2020! The most updated contact information for your child is needed for the District and its schools to communicate with your family via phone, text, and email.

How do I find Parent Portal access for Columbus schools? . through the Columbus City Schools Mobile App. You can download the free Columbus City Schools Mobile App now by searching “Columbus City Schools” in the app store on your mobile device.

How do I activate the parent/guardian portal?

Each parent/guardian has their own personalized Activation Code. ACTIVATING THE PARENT PORTAL IS EASY. 1. Go to our website at and click on the FAMILIES tab. 2. Click on the PARENT PORTAL link on the left side


COVID-19 Service Industry Recovery

In order to address the impacts of COVID-19 and to support Texas’ continued economic recovery, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has approved funding to support a new COVID-19 SERVICE INDUSTRY RECOVERY child care program to help low-wage workers in TWC-specified service industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Children are the most valuable asset; therefore it is essential that you become good consumers of services that support you and your family.

New Policy Alerts

As new policies are enacted, information will be posted here for you to view. Click an item to expand the view.

Welcome to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Below you will find useful information to access real-time information on your Columbus City Schools student (s), including class schedules, assignments, grades, attendance, and more. The video link below provides a brief overview of the Portal and the Mobile App:

First Time Users

If you have not yet created your portal account, click the button below to activate your account.
