parent portal chs

by Gisselle Jast 7 min read

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

Mobile Apps Staff Community Schools COVID Response 21-22 Last item for navigation Montgomery County Public Schools » Parents » Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance.

What is Montgomery County public schools parent portal?

Montgomery County Public Schools / Parents / Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance. If you do not have an account contact you child's school and ask for information on how to create an account. PowerSchool - Click Here to log in

How do I Find Your School Zone parents?

Find Your School Zone Parents Enroll at MCPS Registration Instructions School Listing Find Your School Zone Help with Google Attendance Calendar School Calendar Listing Code of Conduct Emergency Info Fees Lunch Menus Homeless Info Parent Portal Mobile Apps Parent Resources School Health SCHOOL ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS


What is FACTS Family Portal?

Family Portal is Catholic High’s school-to-home communication portal. Catholic High uses FACTS SIS as its Student Information System. The program allows us to dynamically track of student data and enables fast digital communication. Family Portal is simply the name for the home login portion for both parents and students.

Why do family members need individual user names and passwords for Family Portal?

Family Portal allows for students and parents to have separate logins to view grades, discipline, attendance, lessons, homework, classroom web pages, and family demographics. Separate logins are absolutely necessary because parents can view family financial information and academic information for all students in a family.

Is Family Portal secure?

Absolutely! Note that the URL for logging in is https, which indicates a secure http link. Parents can only view information for their own child (ren). Children, even siblings, can only view their own information. Individuals are responsible for keeping their own user names and passwords secret.

What are the computer requirements for Family Portal?

Family Portal is browser and platform independent. This means it will work on any Internet-connected device with an up-to-date browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.) and plug-ins.

What do I need to set up my Family Portal account?

An email address is all you need to set up your account. Accounts are intended for individual use, NOT family use. When you register at Catholic High, you are asked to submit email addresses for each parent and student. Each individual’s email address must be unique.

How do I set up a Family Portal account?

Make sure your email address is in our database (one sure test to help you know is whether you receive the weekly newsletter at your email address).

How do I log in to Family Portal?

Once you have setup your account using the secure link emailed to you, you can use this login link ( to access your Family Portal account with the user name and password you created during setup.
