parent portal ems

by Cali Cole III 8 min read

How do I login to the parent portal?

Here's how to go about using our "Parent Portal:" Enter your username and password. You received this information in a letter from the school. If you are unable to find this information, please contact the office. School office contact information can be viewed here. In the subject line, type "Parent Portal Username and Password."

Who can access the PowerSchool student and Parent Portal?

Portal access is available for students in all grades except Pre-Kindergarten. The PowerSchool Student and Parent portal is a tool that is integrated into the PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS) specifically developed for parents and students.

What can I See on my EMS ISD account?

You will be able to see information about your children that attend other campuses. You will have one account that gives you access to your children at all EMS ISD campuses at that time. How do I change my password?

How do I sign up for Skyward family access?

Signing up for Family Access is easy! Complete this form online to request an account. As soon as your information is processed, you will receive an email with your username and a link for your password. The email is from Skyward Family Access please check your junk mail if you do not see it in your inbox.


Calendar Feature

Did you know you can access assignment details such due dates, handouts, and rubrics using the Calendar feature within Family & Student Access? This step-by-step guide and companion video will show you how to access the Calendar and never miss another assignment!

Family Access FAQs

Family Access is an informational resource made available to every family of the schools listed above at no cost. This resource provides real-time information about your child's grades and attendance, class schedule, and demographic information. Family Access provides safe, secure and easy access to your child's school record.
