parent portal ennis isd

by Mrs. Asia Crist 4 min read

How do parents access student information in Austin ISD?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records.

How do parents access their student's educational information?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records. Go to Parent Self Serve information > 2. Student Registration

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal serves as the primary resource for all of the services provided online to our parents. This site gives parents direct access into their child's classroom information, registration to your child's campus, district-wide information and links to other often used services. Let's Talk! 4000 S.

What if I do not have a Parent Portal account?

If you do not have a Parent Portal Account, you can register for one online. The Parent Portal serves as the primary resource for all of the services provided online to our parents.


I have my parent username and have reset my password. Where do I go to log in to Family Access?

I have my parent username and have reset my password. Where do I go to log in to Family Access? You can access the Family Access login on the homepage of the EISD website.

I do not have a Family Access username. How do I get one?

I do not have a Family Access username. How do I get one? Your username is created when you have updated your Skyward family profile with a personal email address. The best way to update your profile is by contacting or visiting your student's campus, or by emailing

I have used Parent Portal before. Why can't I log in now?

I have used Parent Portal before. Why can't I log in now? Parent Portal was used by Ennis ISD in the past to give parents the ability to access student information. We no longer use the program of Parent Portal, but we are using Skyward Family Access.

When trying to reset my password, I get a message that says "If a user account was associated with this username or email address, an email outlining steps to reset your password has been sent," but have not gotten an email

When trying to reset my password, I get a message that says "If a user account was associated with this username or email address, an email outlining steps to reset your password has been sent," but have not gotten an email. First, please check your spam folder. Otherwise, either the username or email was misspelled, or Family Access has not been set up.

I have logged in to Family Access but can only see grades and attendance. Why can't I see registration forms?

I have logged in to Family Access but can only see grades and attendance. Why can't I see registration forms? You will need a parent username/password to see the registration forms on Family Access. Student username/password access is set to see grades and attendance only.

How do I know which form I am supposed to fill out? (Enrollment vs. Registration)

How do I know which form I am supposed to fill out? (Enrollment vs.

How will I know my information has been submitted correctly?

How will I know my information has been submitted correctly? New Student Enrollment When you have completed your student's enrollment, you should see a message on your screen that says, "Thank you for enrolling your student in Ennis ISD.

Mental Health Series Feb. 2nd

This month's Madison County Online Mental Health Series on February 2nd at 6:30 p.m. is titled "Emotional Regulation - Recognizing What's Wrong." You may register for this Zoom event by going to or by clicking on the QR code on the flier.

Weekly Newsletter - January 28, 2022

Dear Ennis Mustang Families and Ennis Community, HAPPY FRIDAY! We hope that everyone is doing well and geared up for a great weekend. A huge shout out to our Speech, Drama, and Debate team for bringing home 1st place at the Southern C Divisional meet last weekend! We are super proud of their...

Mellissa Newman

Another successful Science Fair is in the Books! On Monday, January 31 our K-8 students participated in the annual science fair. There were a lot of creative and interesting projects. Sophie Rogers, our high school science teacher, is the Science Fair coordinator.

Casey Klasna

A huge shoutout to the Ennis Mustang Speech, Drama, and Debate Team for being the Southern C Divisional Champions!! The following is from the coach: " (Overall Season) Our Speech and Drama Team has worked hard over the season. Most of our kids have placed at the meets we've attended.

Casey Klasna

Please join us at the Ennis Schools Open House that is scheduled for Saturday, January 22nd from 1-3pm. Just meet at the High School lobby located at the south end of the campus near the horse statues.
