parent portal fayette kyschools us

by Prof. Fernando Konopelski PhD 10 min read

How do I contact Fayette County Schools?

If you would like to contact us directly, please email with the following information: guardian full name, guardian preferred email address, street address, student name, student birth date and school attending. We strive to respond to all messages within 24 hours.

What is the CCPS campus Parent Portal?

The Christian County Public Schools (CCPS) District is offering the CCPS Campus Parent Portal to parents/guardians as a means to further enhance communication and to further promote educational excellence. The CCPS Campus Parent Portal allows parents/guardians to view their child's records anywhere, anytime.

Why choose Fayette County public schools?

Our promise to you ... The mission of Fayette County Public Schools is to create a collaborative community that ensures all students achieve at high levels and graduate prepared to excel in a global society.

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

The Parent Portal allows parent access to view the students grades and information. The portal requires a user name and password that you can get from your child's school.


Fayette R-III School District

The SIS Parent Portal is a web based system that allows a parent access to such information as your student's attendance, course schedule, medical history, discipline reports, lunch balances, and grades.

SIS Student 360 Introduction

The next generation of SIS is now available with Student 360. This new portal for parents, students and staff is a touch-enabled browser that can be used to view student information compatable with tablets as well as PCs and Macs.

Fayette County Public Schools

Seniors proficient in another language may apply for the Seal of Biliteracy.


The mission of Fayette County Public Schools is to create a collaborative community that ensures all students achieve at high levels and graduate prepared to excel in a global society.

What is the JCPS parent portal?

The JCPS Parent Portal (run by Infinite Campus) allows you to track your child’s academic progress and develop a partnership with your child’s teachers. Infinite Campus is a secure and convenient way to monitor your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Who can access the JCPs portal?

The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District. Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents/Guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their child.

What is CCPS parent portal?

The CCPS Campus Parent Portal allows you to track your child’s academic progress and develop a partnership with your child’s teachers.#N#Infinite Campus is a secure and convenient way to monitor your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Can parents share passwords with their children?

Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents/Guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their child. Parents/Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own child, of another user, of the school district network, or from the Internet through the CCPS Campus Parent Portal.

Can parents access CCPS?

Parents/Guardians will not use the CCPS Campus Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws. Parents/Guardians will not access data or any account owned by another parent/guardian.
