parent portal floydada

by Meta Swaniawski 9 min read

Reading Assessment

Students in grades 3-9 will be taking a Reading Test next week. If you have a student in grades 3-9, please see the schedule below. Tuesday, May 12th 3rd and 4th grades Wednesda...

Distant Learning FISD Contacts with Tips and Resources

While the district is closed in an effort to protect our community from the spread of COVID-19, we expect our students to continue learning at home with the remote support of our t...

Remote Learning Survey

Parents and Guardians, Thank you to those who have completed the Information for Remote Learning Survey. If you have not already done so, please take the time to complete the inf...

Message from the FISD Counseling Department

The FISD Counseling Department has set office hours and also created a Google Classroom for students. There will be videos available regarding mental health, emotional regulation,...

COVID-19: What to Do

1. Wash hands often for 20 seconds and encourage other to do the same.2. If no soap and water is available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.3. Cover coughs and sneezes...

Mike DeLaFuente to play in the ASCO All-Star

Congratulations to Mike DeLaFuente for being selected to play in the 2020 ASCO All-Star Classic June 6th, 7:00 PM at Lowrey Field. Mike will play LineBacker, represent Floydada and...

Coach Adam Zepeda Named "Coach of the Year" for District 4-2A

Congratulations to Coach Zepeda! Adam has been named "Coach of the Year" for District 4-2A. The coaches in the district voted for Adam for this distinct honor. The Whirlwinds had a...
