parent portal fort osage

by Ms. Susan McClure III 3 min read

What is the parent portal?

Student ID (5 digit code) of each child (if known) The Parent Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents to become more involved in their child’s education through the convenience of the Internet. You have access to: Grades Schedule Homework assignments

What is Fort forward and Fort Osage?

Fort Osage is pleased to offer free meals for children 18 and younger all summer long. Click the headline for complete details. Fort Forward is a citizens advisory committee that was organized in 2021. It is an advisory council organized to make recommendations to the Superintendent of Schools and District administration.

Does Fort Osage offer free summer meals?

Fort Osage is pleased to offer free meals for children 18 and younger all summer long. Click the headline for complete details. Fort Forward is a citizens advisory committee that was organized in 2021.


Elm Grove Principal Hired for 22-23 School Year

Dr. Jason Snodgrass, Superintendent of Schools, is pleased to announce Mr. Casey Kuska as the next principal at Elm Grove Elementary School. Kuska will begin his duties effective July 2022.

Board of Education Election

Filing for the Fort Osage Board of Education closed on December 28, 2021. Seven individuals have filed for the two open seats. Registered voters in the Fort Osage School District will select two of the seven candidates. Terms will begin April 2022 and run through April 2025.

Parents As Teachers Now Enrolling

Parents as Teachers are now enrolling! Do you or someone you know have a child under age 5? We'd love to partner with you to talk about child development, milestones, and to provide fun and unique learning activities that you can participate in with your child! Call 816-650-7480 now to enroll!

OHS ProStart State Competition

The OHS ProStart Culinary Team won 2nd place at the state competition on Feb. 18th! These students earned $10,000. in scholarships and the OHS culinary department will receive $1000 for equipment and supplies!

Senior Excellence the Osage Way: Jasmine Martin

Jasmine Martin is this week’s example of Senior Excellence. Jasmine will be graduating in May from School of the Osage and plans to continue her education at Naropa University in Boulder, CO. Her desire to be closer to family in Colorado influenced her decision to attend Naropa University.

Senior Excellence, The Osage Way - Reese Good

State Technical College of Missouri, in Linn has earned the privilege of continuing the education of our next senior.

Get Involved

The Osage Family Partnership is in an organization of parents and families who are dedicated to helping School of the Osage attain it's mission. Click here If you would like to get involved, or just find out more information about OFP.
