parent portal franklin county va

by Crystal Gorczany 6 min read

The Community Policy and Management Team (C.P.M.T.)

C.P.M.T. coordinates agency efforts, manages the available funds, and sees that eligible youths and their families get help.

The Family Assessment and Planning Team (F.A.P.T.)

F.A.P.T. looks at the strengths and needs of the individual youth and families, decides what services to provide, and prepares a service plan with input from families. Both teams include:


Eligibility is determined by various laws (in education, juvenile justice and social services) and by your Community Policy and Management Team. Also, there must be funds available in your community. Services under CSA may be available to a child who meets at least one of the following descriptions:


Contact your local CSA Program Manager by emailing Heather Kesterson or calling at 540-438-7209.
