parent portal fshisd

by Stefan Goldner DVM 6 min read

What is fshisd non-resident transfer?

Welcome to FSHISD! Welcome to the Non-Resident Transfer webpage the place for up-to-date information about the Fort Sam Houston Independent School District (FSHISD) Non-Resident Transfer program. The Fort Sam Houston ISD proudly serves the children of military personnel residing on Joint Base San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis.

What is the enrollment of fshisd?

The district enrollment is approximately 1500. FSHISD has a history and tradition of educational excellence. The District is proud of its achievements, having earned high ratings in the Texas Public School Accountability System and met all state compliance requirements.

Why choose fshisd for your child?

FSHISD educates the children of active military personnel. The district is coterminous with the Fort Sam Houston Installation, meaning it has the same boundaries as the installation. We are diligent in our efforts to maintain a strong partnership with the Installation for the sake of our military-connected children.

Who is the superintendent of fshisd?

Welcome to FSHISD! Click the link below for a message from our Ft. Sam Houston ISD Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Gary Bates. Football All Star Honors! John Fletcher Named to All-State Jazz Band AGAIN!


When will SchoolMint update registration?

Parents will update their student's registration annually using their secure SchoolMint parent portal account. An email from SchoolMint was sent on May 4, 2020, and repeated again on May 11, 2020, that contains the specific link to your pre-created account. Please be sure to check your spam/junk mail.

What school district is Fort Sam Houston in?

Joint Base San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis comprise the geographic boundaries of the Fort Sam Houston Independent School District. Children of military personnel residing on these Installations are eligible to attend Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12.

Does Fort Sam Houston ISD have an online registration system?

Fort Sam Houston ISD will use an online process to facilitate the registration process for all students, both current and new to the District. Parents benefit as they can complete registration documents 24/7 in the convenience of their home, eliminating the need to wait in lines to fill out paper forms. The process also helps the District reduce paper waste while creating a convenient, fast and accurate online registration experience.

How to contact Sasha Rios?

Your questions are always welcome. Please contact Sasha Rios (210) 368-8707 or Rachel Jasso at 210-368-8725 or send an email to Guide to School Mint. FDA (LOCAL) - NRT District Policy.

What is the grade of a child in the military?

The parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control of the student under order of a court is retired from active military duty, and the child is in grades 6–12. The parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control of the student under order of a court dies while serving on active military duty.
