parent portal hghs

by Howard Thompson DVM 8 min read

What is the student and Parent Portal and how does it work?

Our school has undertaken a new initiative, the Student and Parent Portal, to provide parents and students access to information about each student's progress in our school. The portal can be used to access individual student timetables, student attendance records, school notices and eventually reports.

When should I order my HGHS yearbook the Hamiltonia?

Be sure to order your HGHS Yearbook The Hamiltonia before the 19th of November to secure your copy! There will be limited... School Sport NZ, in consultation with its sport partners, announces the cancellation of the Term 4, 2021 School Sport NZ...

How many AP exams did HGHS students take in 2018?

In May 2018, 549 students took 1,262 AP exams in 18 subjects. Nov. 27th at 5:30pm at HGHS. Discusssion of the Community Use of School District Facilities Policy and Regulations.

Will there be full day onsite instruction at HGHS?

April 14: An update regarding the schedule for full day onsite instruction for all HGHS students. HGHS took home 7 medals, 10 Special Awards, and 1 invitation to the International GENIUS Olympiad. Regarding additional plans to move forward with full-day onsite instruction at HGHS. Thursday, April 8th at 9am. Livestream Video Link


Athletics Day is on March 8 at Porritt Stadium

Hamilton Girls’ High School Championship Athletics Day is on March 8 at Porritt Stadium. Year 11 – 13If you are...

Community Update – Return to School

Kia ora koutou Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. School site closure due Cyclone Dovi damage update Thank you...

Temporary School Site Closure

Kia ora koutou Temporary School Site Closure: Cyclone Damage at HGHS Similar to the rest of the country, we experienced...

Update 31 January 2022

Kia ora koutou SCHOOL SPORT NZ UPDATEOn the 3rd December 2021, the School Sport NZ board resolved to require all participants...


At Hamilton Girls’ High School we aspire to empower young women to dare to excel as innovative individuals who are globally connected.


Coming to a new school can be quite daunting. We have an extensive network set up to provide the help and support that is needed for students and parents.


The school Counsellors provide assistance and support for issues either at school or at home. Any student can access the school counsellors by either coming to the Health Clinic and filling out a referral form or connect online by filling in the online referral document.


The Hillary Centre intake has changed over the years. It evolved from a place for students with mostly disciplinary problems to a safe place for students referred for a variety of reasons, only few with behaviour issues.

Student Welfare - Health CLINIC

Girls who are unwell will be assessed by the school nurse. If the nurse is unavailable a first aid certificate holder will assess them

Hamilton Girls' High School Has a proud history of involvement in sport

Our young women are encouraged to achieve in the classroom and to combine this success with involvement in sporting and cultural activities.A balanced education embraces whole person learning and allows them to be challenge, extended and motivated in all aspects of their life.

Recognising achievement in sport

Each year we rely on Sports Organisations, parents and students to help ensure we keep up to date with the achievements of each student within the school.
