parent portal hsd

by Iva Shanahan 6 min read

What is the HSD 153 Parent Portal?

HSD 153 Parent Portal provides parents and guardians of HSD students with real-time access to their student's records. This system is provided as a convenience. Grades and other information provided by this system are not official records.

What is PowerSchool and the parent portal?

PowerSchool is the student information system that the HSD uses to manage information such as grades, attendance, demographics, courses, etc. Since PowerSchool is web-based, some of this information can easily and safely be shared with parents and students via an online portal. Can I access the Parent Portal from anywhere? Yes.

Do students and parents need to login to the district website?

Students and parents DO NOT need to login to the district website. This Logins page for students and parents is always visible.

Who can access my child’s Records in the parent portal?

The Parent Portal is hosted through PowerSchool, our secure student information system. Your child’s records can only be accessed by authorized school officials, and those with whom you share your password. My spouse and I are separated/divorced, can we create separate accounts for the same children?



HSD 153 Parent Portal provides parents and guardians of HSD students with real-time access to their student's records. This system is provided as a convenience. Grades and other information provided by this system are not official records.

About making payments via Parent Portal accounts

As of July 19, 2021, processing for all online payment functions in the Parent Portal has been switched to a different payment processor. Any payment methods you set up for your credit card or eCheck accounts prior to July 19th have been deleted to ensure the security and confidentiality of your data.

What is the role of a custodial parent in CSED?

As a custodial parent, it is important that you communicate with your caseworker and are proactively involved in your case. Keeping us in the loop about relevant information, including changes in custody, and information about the non-custodial parent in your case (i.e. new employment, new address, possible residence, etc.) will assist CSED with child support collection.

What is the mission of the Human Services Department?

The Human Services Department mission is: To transform lives. Working with our partners, we design and deliver innovative, high quality health and human services that improve the security and promote independence for New Mexicans in their communities.

What is CSED in New Mexico?

Child Support Enforcement Division (CSED) can assist with collecting child support on behalf of New Mexico’s children. CSED can help establish paternity, child support obligations, collect child support and enforce child support obligations. CSED is a neutral party and is unable to provide legal representation to either party.

Is CSED a neutral party?

CSED is a neutral party and is unable to provide legal representation to either party. Custodial parents can apply for services, provide updates, and find information regarding their case by signing up at: New Mexico Child Support Online Portal.

Parent Square

Hollister School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.


We promise to only send you information related to school. You can opt-out at any time. See this document Parent Square - Opt-Out Form for more information about opting-out from our communications.
